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Feb 10 2008 |
Iran El 14 de marzo los iraníes votarán su 8º legislatura. Estas elecciones son fundamentales para las aspiraciones de reelección del presidente Ahmadineyad y para los reformistas, que pretenden reforzar su recuperación ante su electorado de cara a las presidenciales de 2009. |
May 21 2009 |
Iran El 20 de mayo el Ministerio del Interior dio a conocer la lista definitiva de candidatos presidenciales para el próximo 12 de junio. Solo los cuatro precandidatos previstos por todas las quinielas han superado el estricto filtro del Consejo de Guardianes. No ha habido sorpresas en este sentido, y los contendientes serán el actual presidente Mahmud Ahmadineyad; el ex Primer Ministro Mir Hussein Musavi; el ex presidente del Parlamento Mehdi Karrubi y el ex jefe de la Guardia Revolucionara Mohsen Rezai.
Jun 01 2009 |
Iran Ningún presidente iraní ha perdido al competir por su reelección. Jamenei, Rafsanyani y Jatami accedieron a sus respectivos segundos mandatos en 1985, 1993 y 2001 respectivamente. Sin embargo, cabe remarcar que ningún otro presidente iraní había sido tan desafiado por otros candidatos con serias opciones de plantar batalla electoral. Si tenemos en cuenta la división existente también dentro de la élite iraní, no se podría vaticinar una fácil victoria de Ahmadineyad en una sola ronda el 12 de junio. |
Jun 11 2009 |
Morocco En el Sahara Occidental Marruecos celebra también sus elecciones municipales por sexta vez. Ya desde noviembre de 1976, un año después de los acuerdos de Madrid, Marruecos inició en el territorio que controlaba, la Saguia al Hamra (la Acequia Roja), una política de asimilación a las instituciones del reino que más tarde, tras la retirada de Mauritania, extendió al resto del territorio circundado por el muro de protección. |
Dec 12 2010 |
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan heads into its legislative elections on 10 October immersed in a crisis of political instability. In just two months between April and June, the country experienced the overthrow by force of President Kurmanbek Bakiyev and then the violent conflict that developed in the southern provinces of Osh and Jalal-Abad. The latter event a wave of violence and destruction unleashed against the country's Uzbek community. |
Oct 17 2011 |
Tunisia On October 20th, just ten months after overthrowing their seemingly eternal dictator and setting off a wave of uprisings around the Arab world, Tunisians will at last head to the polls to democratically elect the members of the Assembly that will decide the course of their political transition. This is the first of a two-part analysis of the upcoming elections. This first part serves as a technical primer detailing the electoral framework chosen for these elections and the consequences it will have on the shape of the Constituent Assembly. |
Oct 20 2011 |
Oct 27 2011 |
Kyrgyzstan Twenty years on from independence, Kyrgyzstan will on October 30th carry out elections whose relevance can be analyzed historically, institutionally, as a potential cause of further political instability and according to their impact on the country's political and socioeconomic development. |
Jan 25 2012 |
Kuwait The Kuwaiti National Assembly (NA) is composed of 50 members, elected by universal suffrage, and since 2006 with women participating as both voters and candidates. The NA has been suspended constitutionally (and unconstitutionally) on several occasions since 1963, and did not function on a regular basis until 1992, after the occupation of the country by Iraq and the following restoration of Kuwaiti sovereignty. Disagreement between MPs and Ministers has been constant in Kuwaiti politics and has caused 4 suspensions of the NA and consecutive legislative elections in the last 6 years. |
Jan 19 2013 |
Israel Israeli elections will be held on Tuesday January 22nd. Bearing in mind Benjamin Netanyahu is likely to be re-elected prime minister, all attention is focused on the possible changes to the composition of the parliament and therefore on the new partners in government. |