
Kirguistán designa a Ulubek Maripov como nuevo primer ministro

04 Feb 2021
Agencia Anadolu

Kirguistán nombró a Ulukbek Maripov como nuevo primer ministro del país este miércoles, lo que puso fin a una larga crisis política.

El nuevo Gobierno se pudo formar después de que Sadyr Japarov, quien ganó las elecciones presidenciales celebradas el 10 de enero, reemplazara al anterior mandatario, Sooronbai Jeenbekov, quien renunció al cargo debido a diversas manifestaciones y disturbios suscitados en octubre de 2020, ante la profunda crisis social, económica y política.

Zhapárov gana las elecciones y kirguises dan la espalda al parlamentarismo

11 Ene 2021

El oficialista Sadir Zhapárov, aupado al poder en la revolución de octubre en Kirguistán, ganó de manera aplastante las elecciones presidenciales del domingo en esa pequeña república centroasiática, donde los votantes también dieron la espalda al parlamentarismo en un polémico referéndum.

Comienzan las elecciones presidenciales de Kirguistán

10 Ene 2021

Más de 3,5 millones de kirguises están llamados a votar este domingo (10.01.2021) en la primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales, en las que parte como el principal favorito el expresidente interino y exprimer ministro Sadir Zhapárov.

Los 2.476 colegios electorales habilitados en ese país estarán abiertos entre las 08.00 y las 20.00 hora local (02.00 y 14.00 GMT, respectivamente).

Los comicios estarán supervisados por 311 observadores internacionales de 43 países, según la Comisión Electoral Central.

Kyrgyzstan: Presidential polls, referendum on Sunday

08 Ene 2021
Agencia Anadolu

As many as 17 candidates are in the fray in the presidential elections in the Central Asian country of Kyrgyzstan, scheduled on Sunday.

A referendum is also scheduled on the same day to determine the form of government alongside choosing the president.

Kyrgyzstan, which gained its independence on Aug.31, 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union, will witness the eighth elections in its political history.

As many as 3.5 million registered voters will cast their votes in 2,474 ballot boxes put up in the country and 48 ballot boxes outside the country.

Parlamento kirguís elige a un nuevo primer ministro para salir de la crisis

10 Oct 2020
La Vanguardia y EFE

Moscú, 10 oct (EFE).- El Parlamento de Kirguistán eligió hoy a un nuevo primer ministro, Sadir Zhaparov, dirigente opositor que fue liberado esta semana de la cárcel por sus propios partidarios durante los disturbios postelectorales.

Los diputados apoyaron unánimemente la candidatura de Zhaparov, la única a votación, y a su equipo de Gobierno, según informa la agencia AKIpress.

Nada más asumir el cargo, Zhaparov abogó por repetir las controvertidas elecciones del pasado domingo, y reformar la Constitución y la legislación electoral de esta república centroasiática.

El organismo electoral de Kirguistán anula las elecciones parlamentarias

06 Oct 2020
Anadolu Agency

Las elecciones parlamentarias que tuvieron lugar el 4 de octubre fueron declaradas nulas por el Comisión Electoral Central.


La comisión electoral de Kirguistán anunció el martes que anuló los resultados de las elecciones parlamentarias después de que estallaron protestas en el país. En un comunicado, la Comisión Electoral Central declaró nulas las elecciones parlamentarias del 4 de octubre.

El candidato oficialista se hace con la victoria en las elecciones presidenciales en Kirguistán.

16 Oct 2017
El Economista

La Comisión Electoral Central ha concedido a Jeenbejov --un ex primer ministro respaldado por el partido Socialdemócrata del presidente saliente, Almazbek Atambayev-- el 54,75 por ciento de los votos, según ha informado AKI Press.

El líder del partido Respublika, Omurbek Babanov, se perfila como el segundo candidato más votado con un 33,8 por ciento de los votos, de un total de once que compitieron en las urnas para relevar Atambayev durante una legislatura de seis años.

Representatives of political parties’ coalition announce their intention to run for president

20 Jul 2016

The leader of Ar-Namys party Felix Kulov today at a briefing of the coalition of political parties in news agency said that they have united not to decide who would run for president.

 "Everybody independently decides whom to support. We have united not to decide who would run for the elections, everyone would run, the whole life is ahead," he said.

Parliament of VI convocation officially closes its first session and breaks for holidays

01 Jul 2016
24 News

Parliament of VI convocation officially closed its first session and broke for the holidays. The final meeting was held yesterday, the deputies considered 30 bills.

Traditionally, the day after the close of the session, that is, today, will be held the final press conference of the Speaker of Parliament Chynybay Tursunbekov. The deputies will start working only in September 2016.

Nargiza Osmonova


Updated structure of the government has new ministers

29 Jun 2016
24 Press Club
 Today the Parliament approved the candidacies of five government members, two of whom head the new government structures. Already acting ministers, whose departments were renamed, have been also reappointed. 

A new position was added to the Cabinet - Vice Prime Minister for Border Affairs - it is former authorized representative of the Government in Batken region Zhenish Razakov.

Kyrgyzstan not fully carries out work on dismantling corruption system

28 Jun 2016
24 News Agency

Kyrgyzstan doesn't fully carry out the work on dismantling the corruption system. This was announced today at a coordination meeting.

Participants noted that cases of corruption are kept at the normative level, in particular in the field of public procurement, urban planning. Not all measures to combat corruption are executed fully and promptly. The participants of the meeting noted that there is no proper control over the implementation of plans to counter corruption and bribery, and it also happens that they are just duplicated.

Parliament approves new government structure

22 Jun 2016

Parliament approved the new government structure, which will have two new committees and two ministries will be renamed.At least 96 deputies voted for project, presented by the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Sooronbay Jeenbekov today at the session of the Parliament. 

Recall, now the State Committee of Industry, Energy and Subsoil Management, as well as the State Committee for Information Technologies and Communications are being formed in the Kyrgyz Republic.

President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev nominates candidates for election by CEC members

21 Jun 2016
24 News Agency

President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev nominated the candidates for the election by the members of the Central Election Commission. The Information Policy Department of the Presidential Administration reported.

According to it, the President, in accordance with Paragraph 2 Part 5 of Article 64 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic has made the following nominations for the election by the CEC members: Almaz Asanaliev, Gulnara Baatyrova, Bakhtiyar Kadyrov, Nurzhan Shayldabekova.

Suyunbek Shamshiev

Kyrgyzstan: Investigators Link Coup Plots and Kumtor

14 Jun 2016
Eurasia Net

Kyrgyzstan has arrested yet another once-powerful politician on charges of plotting a coup — and in a surprising twist, authorities have linked their fight to quash a purported surge of political instability with alleged corruption at an economically crucial gold mine.
No fewer than seven politicians from two equally marginal opposition factions are currently facing trial on charges of seeking to violently overthrow the government after arrests in March and May that coincided with planned protests.
