Nombre oficial:
Kingdom of Morocco
Nombre original:
المملكة المغربية transliterated as al-Mamlakatu al-Magrebiya
Forma de Estado:
Sistema de Gobierno:
- Founding date/ Date of independence: 1956 (independence from France and Spain)
- Date of Constitution/last reform: 2011 (replacing that of 1996)
- Form of state: Unitary, in the process of devolution and decentralization.
- Administrative divisions: 12 regions or wilayas and 71 provinces and prefectures
- Official language(s): Arabic and Amazigh (since 2011 Constitution)
- Other spoken languages: French and Spanish
- Official religion: Sunni Islam
- Minorities: Christians, Jews, Berbers (cultural minority but ethnic majority) and Saharawi people (originating from the Western Sahara) living in some parts of the territory of Morocco.
- Dominant actor(s): King and his circle (makhzen)
- Elected institutions of government: Government, Bi-cameral parliament, regional, provincial and municipal councils (urban and rural).
- Non-elected institutions of government: King, regional and provincial governors
- Party system: multi-party system, organised in three blocks: officialist parties, left-wing parties and islamist parties
Current authorities
- Head of state: King Mohamed VI, since 1999
- Head of government: Saad-Eddine El Othmani, since 2017
- Minister of Foreign Affairs: Nasser Bourita, since 2017
- Minister of Interior: Abdelouafi Laftit, since 2017
- Head(s) of Legislative Branch: Habib El Malki (USFP), (Lower House) and Hakim Benchamach (PAM) (Upper House)
- Composition of legislative branch: Link to graph
- Head of the Judiciary: King (president of the High Council of the Judiciary)
- Schematic representation of the political system: Link to diagram in PDF
- Government of Morocco:
- Prime Minister's Office:
- Parliament: Lower House
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
- al-Massae: Leading Arab-language newspaper
- Tel Quel: Leading French-language magazine
- Constitution:
- Election Law:
- Bulletin Officiel du Royaume du Maroc: Official gazette
- Conseil National des Droits de l'Homme (CNDH)
- Civil Society associations regarding elections: TAFRA, Collectif Associatif pour l’Observation des Elections (CAOE), Institut Prometheus pour la Démocratie et les Droits Humains.