Algeria: Malian Crisis - Malian Civil Society Reaffirms Support for Algiers Peace Agreement

All Africa, APS
Fecha de publicación: 
05 Mayo 2015

The platform of civil society organizations in Mali, bringing together religious figures, women's organizations and youth associations reiterated during a big meeting held recently in Bamako, the support for Peace and Reconciliation Agreement initialed on 1 March in Algiers.

In the presence of a large crowd, politicians, local personalities and opinion leaders, the various speakers expressed their adherence to the Algiers Agreement, which the formal signing is expected on May 15 in Bamako.

"It is an agreement that will ensure peace and security in an indivisible Mali," he said.

"Peace and security in a Mali of equity and social justice", "together for indivisible Mali", "platform of civil society organizations from Mali, together for a united and peaceful Mali ", were other slogans chanted during the rally, according to media.

 For other speakers, the Algiers agreement will reduce the sufferings of the population. In this context, former prime minister Mohamed Ag Hamani, dubbed the agreement an opportunity for Mali.

He particularly stressed that "Mali is a diversified country. There are no Tuareg or Bambara, there is simply the citizen. Tuareg are not against the country or against the black but some powers, because of the geo-strategic interests, are manipulating a group of individuals. "

The government and movements committed to the platform of Algiers, namely the Arab Movement of Azawad (MAA, dissident), the Coordination of the Azawad People (CPA) and the Coordination of Patriotic Resistance Movements and Fronts (CM-FPR), initialed this agreement on 1 March in Algiers.

However, the coordination of movements of Azawad (CMA), regrouping the National Liberation Movement of Azawad (MNLA), the High Council for the Unity of Azawad (HCUA) and the Arab Movement of Azawad (MAA) requested "time" to see their militant base before initialing the document.

