
Kerry llega a Kabul para intentar mediar en la disputa electoral afgana

11 Jul 2014
El País

El secretario de Estado norteamericano, John Kerry, ha llegado a Kabul con el objetivo de tratar de mediar en la última crisis política que amenaza a Afganistán: la disputa por los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales de junio en las que los dos candidatos se han dado por vencedores, Abdulá Abdulá y Ashraf Ghani, con quienes el jefe de la diplomacia de Estados Unidos tiene previsto encontrarse.

Abdulá ahonda la crisis al declararse vencedor de las elecciones en Afganistán

08 Jul 2014
El País

Abdulá Abdulá se declaró hoy ganador de las elecciones presidenciales afganas y rechazó la victoria de su contrincante Ashraf Ghani, lo que abre una crisis política y étnica en el país asiático a meses de la retirada de las tropas de la OTAN. "Somos los ganadores de las elecciones y debemos formar un Gobierno legítimo", afirmó Abdulá en una reunión en la Loya Jirga -asamblea tradicional- en Kabul, un día después de que los resultados preliminares señalasen a Ghani como ganador.

Ghani vence en las presidenciales afganas entre acusaciones de fraude

07 Jul 2014
El País


Abdullah, un antiguo dirigente de la antitalibán Alianza del Norte, no ha estado disponible para hacer comentarios este lunes después de haberse conocido los resultados. Un miembro destacado de su equipo de campaña, Mijib Rahim, ha declarado, entre acusaciones de fraude, que no aceptarán los resultados preliminares. "Para nosotros, estos resultados son ilegítimos y la comisión electoral debería haber esperado a que finalizasen las negociaciones entre los dos equipos", ha afirmado al canal afgano Tolo TV.

ECC To Finish Investigations Without Complaints Against Amarkhail

24 Jun 2014
Tolo News

According to the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC), investigations into complaints filed regarding Election Day will be completed by midnight Wednesday without any remaining against the Independent Election Commission’s (IEC) Secretariat Chief Zia-ul-Haq Amarkhail, who resigned his post on Monday amid accusations of fraud.

According to ECC spokesman Nader Mohseni, the complaints that had been logged against Amarkhail were no longer relevant because they were only related to his post at the IEC, which he no longer occupies.

Votes From Kandahar, Helmand Isolated Under Suspicion Of Fraud

23 Jun 2014
Tolo News

Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) officials from southern Kandahar province said on Sunday that votes from 17 polling sites have been separated out of the vote counting process for further review after suspicions of fraud arose from complaints filed by presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah. Election officials of nearby Helmand province have said votes from 13 sites have been isolated.

Amarkhail Resigns In Wake Of Fraud Allegations

23 Jun 2014
Tolo News

The Independent Election Commission's (IEC) Secretariat Chief, Zia-ul-Haq Amarkhail, announced his resignation on live television Monday afternoon.

The announcement came just a day after presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah released phone recordings of conversations allegedly between Amarkhail and members of the campaign team of his opponent, Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai. The recordings suggest a broad plot to conduct fraud during the runoff election, however, the identities of the voices on them have yet to be confirmed.

Las elecciones de los borregos

23 Jun 2014
El Mundo

"Atiborra bien al borrego y envíamelo de vuelta a Kabul". Ésta era la frase clave que Ziaulhaq Amarkhil, el segundo jefe de la Comisión Independiente Electoral -organizadora de las votaciones en Afganistán-, hacía servir supuestamente para ordenar a sus empleados que llenaran las urnas con votos falsos en la segunda vuelta de las presidenciales en Afganistán.

Kunduz Provincial ECC Office Head Resigns

22 Jun 2014
Tolo News

Kunduz provincial Electoral Complaints Commission (IEC) office head, Sebghatullah Wafaye, announced his resignation from his post on Sunday afternoon because of supposed interference by the central ECC office.

Wafaye said that the ECC employees sent confidential information to both the electoral commissions’ provincial offices and headquarters.

UN, U.S. Embassy And British Embassy Call Abdullah’s Decision Unfortunate

19 Jun 2014
Tolo News

Presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah declaration on boycotting relations with the Independent Election Commission (IEC) raised reactions from the international community including the United Nations (UN), United States and Britain.

“Election commissions must show highest level of transparency and trustee and must address concerns of candidates,” Nazifullah Salarzay, spokesman for the United Nations Office in Afghanistan, said. “Efforts must be made to ensure that legit votes are counted and illegitimate votes are avoided, those instances will follow our complete support.”

Turnout In Runoff Less Than First Round

19 Jun 2014
Tolo News

The Transparent Election Foundation of Afghanistan (TEFA) shared its findings about the elections with media on Thursday at a press conference.

TEFA reported that the runoff turnout was no more than six million, a figure much lower than the first round. The report also indicated that the runoff witnessed more challenges, riggings and violations compared to the first round.

Some of the issues highlighted in the report are as followed:

1.     Stuffed ballot boxes in 218 centers in 16 provinces

2.       Voting without using ink in 18 centers in 7 provinces

Abdullah Firm On His Stance

19 Jun 2014
Tolo News

Presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah reiterated that his demands made on Wednesday are definite, stating that it is in line with the country’s law, on Thursday at a brief press conference in Kabul.

He asserted that the legitimacy of the election process is under question because the Independent Election Commission’s (IEC) Secretariat Zia-ul-Haq Amarkhail has not been suspended.  He added that on the day of elections, the police had caught Amarkhail with ballots and without police escorts, but the investigation of this case has not been followed.

FEFA Releases First Election Observation Report

17 Jun 2014
Tolo News

The Free and Fair Election Forum of Afghanistan (FEFA) on Tuesday released its first report regarding the presidential elections.

”FEFA has noted more than 6,651 cases of violations on the Election Day," FEFA Head Nadir Naderi said.

According to the report, 396 polling centers faced a delayed opening, 368 witnessed shortage of ballot papers, 344 were closed later than scheduled, and 269 had problems with the quality of the ink. Moreover, there were campaign posters within 100 meters of 246 centers, despite the restrictions placed by the election law.

Lawyers Union Reviews Election In Accordance To Law

17 Jun 2014
Tolo News

The Lawyers Union of Afghanistan called on the presidential candidates to avoid making their way to the presidential palace through fraudulent votes on Tuesday at press conference.

Lawyers of the union said that the Independent Election Commission (IEC) violated not only the election law, but the constitution of Afghanistan in many areas of the election process in both rounds of elections.

Result Sheets From 11 Provinces Arrive In Kabul: IEC

17 Jun 2014
Tolo News

Speaking at a press conference in Kabul on Tuesday, Independent Election Commission (IEC) spokesman Noor Mohammad Noor said results sheets from 11 provinces have safely arrived at the commission's central office in the capital and the voting counting process is expected to start next Monday.

Results from Kabul, Panjshir, Parwan, Kapisa, Logar, Baghlan, Paktia, Kunar, Nangarhar, Laghman and Wardak provinces have been logged at the IEC's headquarters.
