
Provincial election results still not announced

19 Oct 2014
Tolo News

The results of the provincial council elections have still not been announced despite a four-month delay in the announcement.

Candidates, who have continuously criticized the dragging delay, are starting to lose hope about the likelihood of an announcement any time soon.

"We ask the election commissions to announce the final results as soon as possible so that people's concerns come to end," one of the candidates Rahimullah Mujahid said.

Ashraf Ghani, nuevo presidente de Afganistán

29 Sep 2014
El Mundo

"Juro que respetaré los preceptos del islam y la legislación de Afganistán, garantizaré la independencia de la nación afgana y, con la ayuda de Dios, los derechos de todos los afganos y el progreso de este país". Con estas palabras el economista de etnia pastún Ashraf Ghani ha tomado posesión del cargo este lunes como nuevo presidente electo de Afganistán, en sustitución a Hamid Karzai, en el poder desde la caída del régimen talibán a final de 2001.

Los candidatos a presidir Afganistán pactan un Gobierno de unidad

21 Sep 2014
El País

Los candidatos a ocupar la presidencia de Afganistán, Abdullah Abdullah y Ashraf Gani, han firmado este domingo un acuerdo que garantizará la formación de un Gobierno de unidad nacional en el que ambos ocuparán puestos de responsabilidad. En una ceremonia celebrada en el palacio del presidente saliente, Hamid Karzai, los dos candidatos firmaron el acuerdo que asegura el fin de la crisis electoral, después de tres meses de disputas.

Ghani es declarado ganador de las presidenciales afganas de junio

21 Sep 2014
El País

El economista Ashraf Ghani ha sido proclamado finalmente hoy domingo ganador de las elecciones presidenciales en Afganistán. El anuncio se ha producido poco después de que Ghani alcanzara un acuerdo de reparto del poder con su rival Abdullah Abdullah, quien desde hace tres meses cuestionaba el resultado electoral. Sus acusaciones de fraude no sólo ensombrecieron los comicios, sino que han dado alas a los insurgentes talibanes en víspera de la retirada de las tropas extranjeras.

I won’t accept election results: Abdullah

08 Sep 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

KABUL (Pajhwok): Presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah on Monday reiterated his stance, saying he rejected the result of the mid-June runoff.

He renewed his commitment to defending people’s votes and the election of new leadership based on genuine ballots. But Abdullah said he would not accept a government elected through fraud.

Addressing a gathering of supporters in Kabul, he said the international community had evinced its interest in facilitating a solution to the election crisis.

Delay in Final Result Not Linked to Candidates Talks: IEC

06 Sep 2014
Tolo News

The Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Saturday said that the delay in announcing the final results has no link to the presidential candidates' talks and that the election process moving forward normally.

IEC spokesman Noor Mohammad Noor said that the reason for the delay in announcing the final results is due to the technicalities of the election process.

"There are technical works that are being completed, such as entering the checklists into the system," Noor said reassuring the public.

Audit Process Completed After 48 Days: IEC

05 Sep 2014
Tolo News

The Independent Election Commission's (IEC) spokesman, Noor Mohammad Noor said that the 100 percent audit of vote's process has been completed after 48 days on Thursday night, which was set to build confidence between the two candidates so that issues do not arise in the future.

Noor said that the majority of fraud took place by "the government, government officials and supporters of both candidates and not by the IEC employees." Currently, the IEC is working on entering the checklists into the database.

Dos meses contando votos

15 Ago 2014
El Mundo

El recuento de los votos de las elecciones presidenciales en Afganistán se lleva a cabo en cuatro hangares gigantes de los que se utilizan para guardar los aviones. En el interior apenas hay luz, hace un calor asfixiante y decenas de personas discuten alrededor de mesas de plástico sobre las que se extienden montones desordenados de papeletas de votos. En los laterales se apilan centenares de urnas, y hay tal jaleo que aquello parece un mercadillo.

As audit continues, 85,000 votes found 'bogus'

12 Ago 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

KABUL (Pajhwok): Of the 29 percent of ballots from the presidential election that were audited as recently as Monday noon, 54,000 votes of Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai and 31,000 of Dr. Abdullah were found bogus, officials said on Tuesday.

The statistics provided to Pajhwok Afghan News by one electoral team show that Ghani retains enough lead with 1,210,602 votes over Abdullah, who has bagged 1, 081,645 ballots so far. The total votes recounted hitherto amount to 29 percent of all ballots cast in the second round of the presidential elections.

Los dos candidatos afganos firman un acuerdo para formar un Gobierno de unidad nacional

08 Ago 2014
El Mundo

Los dos candidatos rivales de Afganistán, Abdullah Abdullah y Ashraf Ghani, han firmado un acuerdo para cooperar en la formación de un Gobierno de unidad nacional, según ha afirmado uno de los candidatos este viernes en rueda de prensa tras reuniones con el secretario de Estado de EEUU, John Kerry.

Latest checklist is final, declares IEC

04 Ago 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Monday declared as final the latest UN-proposed criteria for invalidation of suspected votes, saying extra attention would be paid to the remaining two controversial points in order to gain confidence of both the candidates.

The huge audit remained suspended as of Sunday morning and Abdullah’s team remained locked in talks with UN officials over the recount.

Afghan vote audit delayed over disagreement

02 Ago 2014
Al Jazeera

Attempts to resume the audit of Afghanistan's presidential election have stalled as candidate Abdullah Abdullah disagreed over the criteria to address alleged fraud in the June run-off election.

Abdullah and rival Ashraf Ghani agreed to the inspection of all 8.1 million ballots cast in the June 14 poll in a deal brokered by US Secretary of State John Kerry. However, the recount has since faced several suspensions as the candidates sparred over how to disqualify ballots.

Mistrust galore as Afghans eye unity rule

28 Jul 2014
Al Jazeera

Kabul, Afghanistan - The military airport in the Afghan capital is busy, as shipments of ballot boxes from across the country arrive to be audited after top presidential candidates agreed for recount of votes amid allegations of fraud. 

The Independent Election Commissions of Afghanistan (IEC), along with international and domestic observers and party representatives have begun the tedious task of filtering through all the 8.1 million ballots, searching for any irregularities that could be counted as fraudulent votes.

UN Says Candidates Support Proposal

27 Jul 2014
Tolo News

The United Nations (UN) reported that both presidential candidates signaled their support on Saturday for the UN's proposed invalidation criteria for the vote auditing process.

The UN office in Kabul said that the organization was notified by both candidates and now expects the audit process to move forward without further delay. The UN had previously submitted the proposal to the Independent Election Commission (IEC) without approval from the candidates and the commission said the auditing process would need to be put on hold until they could reach agreement.

Vote audit resumed after 48 hours suspension

24 Jul 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

KABUL (Pajhwok): The vote audit process was resumed again on Thursday after 48 hours of suspension for training representatives of the presidential candidates and election observers, a source in the Independent Election Commission (IEC) confided to Pajhwok Afghan News.

Audit process was suspended last Tuesday due to some irregularities and mismanagement in the IEC office.

La auditoría de más 8 millones de votos en Afganistán comenzará mañana

16 Jul 2014
Radio Intereconomía

Kabul, 16 jul.- La Comisión Electoral de Afganistán (IEC) comenzará mañana la auditoría para determinar la validez de los 8,1 millones de votos emitidos en la segunda ronda de la elecciones presidenciales afganas, informó hoy una fuente oficial.

La auditoría empezará por los votos emitidos en Kabul en esta segunda vuelta, que disputan Abdulá Abdulá y Ashraf Gani y cuyas votaciones se celebraron el 14 junio, dijo el portavoz de la IEC, Noor Mohammed Noor, en rueda de prensa en la capital afgana.

La UE satisfecha por acuerdo entre candidatos afganos para auditar resultados

13 Jul 2014

Bruselas, 13 jul (EFE).- La Unión Europea (UE) manifestó hoy su satisfacción por el acuerdo alcanzado entre los dos candidatos afganos a las presidenciales del país sobre la celebración de una auditoría de los resultados de esos comicios.

“Damos la bienvenida al acuerdo entre los candidatos afganos a las presidenciales, Abdulá Abdulá y Ashraf Gani Ahmadzai, para que haya una auditoría global de los resultados” de los comicios, señaló el Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior (SEAE) en un comunicado.

UNAMA proposes additional vote audit

12 Jul 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

KABUL (Pajhwok): At a meeting convened by President Hamid Karzai the other day, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) presented its proposal for an additional audit aimed at strengthening the credibility of the country’s electoral process and acceptance of the results from the recent presidential election run-off by both campaigns and Afghans.
