
Kyrgyzstan: Popular Imam Gets 5-Year Jail Term

08 Oct 2015
A court in the southern Kyrgyzstan town of Kara-Suu has sentenced a popular local imam to five years in prison on charges of inciting religious hatred and distributing extremist material.
The verdict delivered on the evening of October 7 marked the culmination of a four-month trial that Rashot Kamalov's lawyers regularly complained was marred by irregularities.

At least 6 lawsuits filed following parliamentary elections results

07 Oct 2015
24 News Agency

Darya Podolskaya.-

At least 31 claims and 6 lawsuits were filed following the results of the parliamentary elections. The information was voiced at today's meeting of the Central Election Commission.

As noted, the complaints were received from voters who could not find themselves in the lists, but have passed biometric registration, as well as from parties which stated bribery and transportation of voters. For example, Azattyk party claimed that representatives of SDPK brought about 1,000 voters to a polling station in Alai district.

Social Democratic Party Hails 'Most Fair Ever' Election In Kyrgyzstan

05 Oct 2015

With over 1.4 million votes counted by the election committee, the Social Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan, supporting the country's President Almazbek Atambayev, has taken the lead with some 27 percent of the votes.

"There are no final results yet, but one thing we can say for sure — for the first time in the history of Kyrgyzstan a fair and clean election has taken place," Aynura Temirbekova said.

She added that the president and the government deserve credit for the fairness of the procedure.

Kirguistán: partido cercano al presidente prorruso lidera en las legislativas

05 Oct 2015

El partido cercano al presidente prorruso de Kirguistán lidera con el 26,6% de los votos, tras escrutarse casi la totalidad, en las elecciones legislativas de este domingo en esta ex república soviética, considerada la más democrática de Asia central.

El partido socialdemócrata del Kirguistán (SDPK), próximo al presidente Almazbek Atambaiev, recogía el 26,6% de los sufragios tras el conteo del 99,25% de las papeletas, anunció la Comisión electoral central.

Kyrgyzstan votes in landmark elections

04 Oct 2015
Al Jazeera

Voting for a new parliament is under way in Kyrgyzstan, with pro-Russian parties looking set to retain their dominance.

Polling stations opened at 02:00 GMT on Sunday, with ethnic tensions, the economy, corruption and security concerns among the election issues in the former Soviet republic.

More than 2,000 candidates representing 14 parties are running for the 120 seats in parliament.

Voting will conclude at 14:00 GMT with the composition of the new assembly expected to be known shortly thereafter.

Kyrgyzstan: Housing Tops Political Agenda Amid Russia-Driven Crash

01 Oct 2015

A campaign slogan – “Mortgages at 10 Percent Interest!” – is featured on a billboard touting a leading contender in Kyrgyzstan’s October 4 parliamentary elections. For many in this Central Asian nation, which is grappling with high inflation and currency depreciation, the cheap-credit pledge seems too good to be true.

Kyrgyzstan Report Says Reform Failure Will Lead to Disaster

30 Sep 2015

An International Crisis Group report on Kyrgyzstan published on September 30, only days ahead of parliamentary elections, paints a grim portrait of the political situation and warns that the entire region could suffer from failure to adopt urgently needed reforms.  

ICG identifies persisting ethnic tensions, corruption, unchecked nationalism and the surge of political Islam, fuelled by disaffection at self-interested party clans, as key and pressing problems facing Kyrgyzstan.

Kamchybek Tashiev withdrawn from the electoral race

28 Sep 2015

Co-chairman of Respublika-Ata-Jurt is withdrawn from the election race.

According to the Central Election Commission, the decision made today.

Earlier, the press service of the Internal Affairs of Jalal-Abad reported that in Suzak region a sparring between co-chairman K. Tashiev and candidate from Onuguu Progress party A. Abdybahapov resulted in fight. Tashiev inflicted injuries on A. Abdybahapov. The victim was taken to the Jalal-Abad regional hospital

Kyrgyzstan: Decoding Party Programs Amid Parliamentary Election Campaign

21 Sep 2015

The spectacle of Kyrgyzstan’s politicians campaigning for votes ahead of the October 4 parliamentary elections cannot but bring to mind the words of Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter. “A party is a group whose members propose to act in concert in the competitive struggle for political power,” he wrote in his 1942 classic Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy.

Atambayev participó en la cumbre de la Organización para la Cooperación de Shangai en Dushanbe

13 Sep 2014

El presidente kirguistaní Almazbek Atambayev tomó parte en la Cumbre en Dushanbe, Tayikistán. Durante su dicsurso, Atambayev agradeció al presidente tayiko Emomali Rahmon por su hospitalidad y excelente organización del meeting y durante su presidencia de la OCS. Para Kirguistán este es un año clave en lo que se refiere a su integración en la Unión Eurasiática, proyecto no vinculado a la OCS, pero igualmente liderado por Rusia, país que presidirá la OCS durante el próximo curso y que afronta en la actualidad una tensión máxima con Occidente. 

PACE signed certificate on granting Kyrgyzstan the status "Partner for Democracy"

24 Jun 2014

Bishkek, June 24 / Kabar /. Ceremony of signing of the certificate on granting Kyrgyzstan the status "Partner for Democracy" is held on June 23 this year in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Strasbourg (France) in the presence of members of the Assembly. The press service of the Kyrgyz Parliament reports.

Speaker Jeenbekov: "Kyrgyzstan needs in expert, technical and financial support for democratic transformation"

24 Jun 2014

Bishkek, June 24 / Kabar /. Kyrgyzstan needs in expert, technical and financial support for democratic transformation. Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh Asylbek Jeenbekov said during a meeting with Chairman of the Socialist Group, expert-Rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) for Kyrgyzstan Andreas Gross. 

Prime Minister of the KR and former president of Serbia discussed Kyrgyzstan's transition to DTV

17 Jun 2014

Bishkek, June 17 / Kabar /. Kyrgyz Prime Minister Dzhomart Otorbaev received the delegation Club de Madrid headed by former Serbian President Boris Tadic.

During the meeting, dedicated to the country's transition to digital broadcasting, Dzh.Otorbaev noted that access to information is an important task of the state, the Government’s press service reports.

Respublika parliamentary faction has new leader

10 Jun 2014
Fuente: News Agency

The leader of "Respublika" parliamentary faction became Maksat Sabirov. This was reported by the press office of the faction.

According to the data, Nazarali Aripov today at an extraordinary meeting of the faction handed over the power to the deputy head of the faction Maksat Sabirov.

Note, 10 members of 23 members remained in the faction, who came to parliament on "Respublika" party lists.



Akaash Maharaj: "Kyrgyzstan is a unique country that has managed to build a parliamentarism"

09 Jun 2014

Bishkek, June 9 / Kabar /. Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) will assist Kyrgyzstan in combating corruption. Executive director of GOPAC Akaash Maharaj said today in Bishkek during the International Conference “The role of parliamentarism in promoting state anti-corruption policy in the Kyrgyz Republic".


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