PDI-P Leaders Still Denying Gerindra Pact

The Jakarta Globe
Publication date: 
Nov 19 2013

Members of the Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle have denied the existence of a pact that says chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri will support Great Indonesia Movement founder Prabowo Subianto in his presidential bid in 2014.

“I do not want to comment on that. The people from Gerindra [Great Indonesia Movement] first revealed the issue, so let them assume and interpret it as they like,” said Puan Maharani, chairwoman of the Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) central executive board.

Puan added that Gerindra officials should set aside matters regarding the presidential election and focus on their efforts towards the legislative election, which will determine whether or not the party will get to nominate a president.

“In a political year, everything has to be prepared first, whether or not every political party will have enough voice to come forward in the presidential election. Instead of taking care of other political parties, it’s better to take care of the internal issues within each party,” she said.

According to Gerindra’s Martin Hutabarat, Puan had been among the attendees during the Batu Tulis meeting in 2009, when the pact was alledgedly made.

PDI-P secretary general Tjahjo Kumolo also down played reports of the pact, challenging Gerindra to reveal more on the issue.

“Just open all of it. Don’t sneak around, it’s not good,” Tjahjo said.

“From what I understand, such a pact does not exist. Megawati is a member of the party, she follows the party’s decisions.”

Tjahjo confirmed that the Batu Tulis meeting had indeed taken place, and added that he was present during the meeting, although he did not reveal what was discussed in the meeting.

Speaking to news website Liputan6.com, several politicians from both parties have carefully selected their responses.

“I don’t want to say anything to answer that. I will simply answer with a nod,” Martin said, as quoted by Liputan6.com.

On Saturday, Prabowo also refused to comment on the matter.

“Even if the pact exists, it’s still a secret,” he said.

Senior PDI-P politician Sabam Sirait has also confirmed he was present during the Batu Tulis meeting, but emphasized that the meeting discussed preparations ahead of the 2009 presidential nomination. He said he did not know the specifics of any deal regarding Prabowo’s presidential bid for 2014.

“All I know is that at the meeting we discussed and agreed to the nominations of the president in 2009. I’m not saying the meeting ‘only’ discussed that issue, but in terms of any other discussions, I think it’s best to speak directly to Megawati and Prabowo,” he said.

According to Andrianto, secretary general of Pro Democracy, a think tank, the Batu Tulis pact could have been made when time was running out for the 2009 election, and that such a pact was not valid after so many years.

“It has expired,” he said of the pact. “Because in politics, everything becomes useless when the purpose has not been achieved” Andrianto said, as quoted by Detik.com.

Although the two parties have managed to build a good relationship in nominating Joko Widodo and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama for the 2013 Jakarta gubernatorial elections, their relationship may not continue on the same path for the 2014 presidential election, he said.

“If we look at the dynamics, it’s not harmonious. It is evident from the way PDI-P and Gerindra have clashed on many issues,” Andrianto said.

He added that it was impossible to base matters regarding a presidential election on a pact written on a piece of paper.

In a separate report by Detik.com, Martin echoed Andrianto’s statements on the waning relationship between Megawati and Prabowo.

“The way I see it, Mega and Prabowo’s relationship in 2009 was very close, their personal relationship continued to improve. Even after the 2009 election, there had been a plan to combine Gerindra and PDI-P into one faction. At the time there were discussions with the late Taufiq Kiemas,” he said.

“Their solid relationship became evident when Prabowo and Megawati nominated Joko and Basuki.”

But Martin said there were parties who were displeased with the relationship and thus tried to break them apart.

“What is important at this juncture is to determine who this person is,” Martin said, as quoted by Detik.com.

According to reports, the PDI-P and Gerindra both signed a political pact in 2009 — dubbed the Batu Tulis Pact — that included a point where Megawati Soekarnoputri’s party promised support for Gerindra chief patron Prabowo Subianto’s presidential bid in 2014.

The pact — if verified— could have serious consequences for the PDI-P’s ambitions to win next year’s elections, despite the emergence of Joko Widodo, the current governor of Jakarta, as its rising star.

Joko has thus far continued to top various polls as both the most electable and popular presidential candidate for the 2014 elections, but PDI-P has yet to announce whether or not it will be nominating the Jakarta governor as president or if Megawati will vie for another presidential term despite paling in comparison to Joko’s electability.

“It is the [PDI-P] congress that has decided to let Megawati decide on the presidential candidate,” Sabam said.

“It could be herself, it could also be other people. But it is up to her whether she wants to nominate herself or point at another person,” Sabam added, as quoted by Liputan6.com.

Martin, on the other hand, emphasized that Gerindra will continue to nominate Prabowo for president.

“Gerindra and PDI-P’s biggest contribution is in supporting certain figures to become government officials who are loved by the public and that support is being brought to life in making Joko and Basuki governor and deputy governors of Jakarta,” he said. “And Gerindra will continue to nominate Prabowo as a presidential candidate for 2014.”

Ahmad Muzani, Gerindra’s secretary general, said in September that Prabowo had carried out consolidation efforts in the regions and that he was confident about being chosen as the presidential candidate on the party’s behalf.

Asked whether he knew anything about the Batu Tulis pact in 2009, Joko emphasized he was at the time still in office as the mayor of Solo.

“I don’t know about this. Of course not,” Joko said, as quoted by Liputan6.com.


Author/Autor:Markus Junianto Sihaloho
