Women candidates facing security problems: FEFA

Pajhwok Afghan News
Publication date: 
Jan 27 2014

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Free and Fair Election Foundation of Afghanistan (FEFA) on Monday voiced concern over security threats to female provincial council candidates.

FEFA said women poll contenders were facing multiple problems in filing their nomination papers with the electoral body and the issue must be addressed.

Women contestants were faced with security problems and discriminatory behaviour on the part of Independent Election Commission (IEC) officials, FEFA said in a statement.

FEFA released a report last month on women’s access to political rights in 34 provinces of the country. Since December 21, 2013, the foundation held talks with 272 of the 334 provincial council nominees.

The report revealed female candidates were threatened by male counterparts and armed rebels amid discriminatory behavior from religious scholars, tribal elders and IEC officials.

Addressing a news conference in Kabul, FEFA’s women wing head Marzia Faraz identified discriminatory behaviour, security problems and support to some candidates by security forces and IEC officials as main challenges to women contenders.

She said most of the problems were noticed in eastern and southern provinces while security forces in some parts of the country failed to demonstrate neutrality.

FEFA spokesman Mohammad Fahim Naeemi said 67 of 272 female candidates confirmed facing security problems, asking the interior ministry and the IEC to provide the required facilities to the women contestants.