Election campaign to foster unity: Karzai

Pajhwok Afghan News
Publication date: 
Feb 20 2014

President Hamid Karzai on Thursday once again made clear government officials could not utilise national resources in favour or against presidential candidates.

In his fortnightly radio address, the president said peaceful and successful elections were linked to people’s enthusiastic participation in the process.

“Afghan forces will secure elections with the cooperation of the masses. We should throng to polling stations and cast our votes in favour of our favourite candidates,” he added.

He went on to say: “The fact that 11 people are in the run for the presidential slot is ample proof of growing democracy in the country. It is high time for us to cast our votes.”

A high voter turnout would help strengthen the political system, the president argued, saying Afghanistan was going to witness elections for the third time.

The April 5 vote was yet another remarkable step toward the stability of the democratic system, he said, hoping the election campaign would foster unity, love and harmony among the Afghans.