Afghan MPs Approve Qanuni As First Vice President

Tolo News
Publication date: 
Mar 25 2014

Afghan MPs approved on Tuesday Younus Qanuni, a former House Speaker, as first vice president to replace Marshal Mohammad Qasim Fahim, who died of a heart attack two weeks ago.

Qanuni was introduced by President Hamid Karzai to the MPs for a confidence vote.

"We have selected Mohammad Younus Qanuni from those who were offered for the first vice president and we hope you very soon confirm him," Karai said at the Parliament on Tuesday.

Mr. Qanuni was nominated for the post last week by President Karzai after a meeting with Jihadi leaders and Fahim's family members, which was organized by Karzai at the Presidential Palace.

Mr Qanuni said his top priority in the remaining short period of the current government would be to prevent the "expansion of crisis" during the elections.

If the outcome of the elections takes Afghanistan to the brink of division, his role alongside President Karzai and second VP Karim Khalil would to keep Afghanistan united.

