Bawaslu to summons three parties

The Jakarta Post
Publication date: 
Mar 25 2014

The Elections Monitoring Agency (Bawaslu), in cooperation with the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), has found that three political parties contesting in the 2014 election have allegedly violated campaign advertising regulations.

Bawaslu intends to summons officials from the parties that allegedly breached the rules to seek clarification.

“We will summons them for questioning next week,” Bawaslu staff member Nasrullah said on Monday, as quoted by

The three parties are the Golkar Party, the Hanura Party and the NasDem Party.

Nasrullah said Hanura had exceeded the limit of campaign advertising on Global TV. Meanwhile, Golkar reportedly exceeded campaign advertising time on Indosiar and ANTV, as did NasDem on Metro TV.

Article 97 of Law No. 8/2012 on elections, which regulates the quantity of campaign advertising on electronic media, stipulates that the maximum amount of campaign ads that can be aired on television each day is 10 spots with a duration of 30 seconds each, as well as 10 spots on radio each day with a maximum duration of 60 seconds per spot.

Bawaslu and the KPI found that Hanura aired campaign ads in 15 spots on Global TV while Golkar had its campaign ads aired on two stations -- ANTV and Indosiar -- 15 times and 16 times respectively. Meanwhile NasDem campaign ads were aired 12 times on Metro TV.

