Ghani-Ahmadzai Campaigns In Paktiya Province

Tolo News
Publication date: 
Mar 26 2014

Afghan presidential candidate Ashraf Ghani-Ahmadzai said in a gathering in eastern Paktiya province on Tuesday that peace and security would result in economic development for the province’s residents.
Ghani-Ahmadzai added that he is determined to take steps towards agriculture and industrial development of the province.
“We want an industarial Paktiya, each acre of government land needs an industrial park, without making Paktiya industarial there will be no jobs for Paktiya youths ,” Ghani-Ahmadzai said.
The gathering was attended by several Paktiya representatives in the Lower House, tribal elders, and youth. Some attendees claimed that the government has not done any fundamental activity for the people of Paktya, and said a large number of residents still suffer from poverty and unemployment in their hometown.

 “We want fair and transparent elections, I have two requests from each one of you, vote and monitor,” Ghani-Ahmadzai said.

