PPP has eye on six presidential-vice presidential aspirants

The Jakarta Post
Publication date: 
Mar 26 2014

The Islamic-based United Development Party (PPP) has an eye on six figures from outside the party that it is considering naming as its presidential- vice presidential candidates for the 2014 presidential election.

“The six figures being considered by the PPP are Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, Jusuf Kalla, Din Syamsuddin, Jimly Asshiddiqie, Isran Noor and Khofifah Indar Parawansa,” said PPP secretary-general Romahurmuziy after a campaign rally in Jember, East Java, on Tuesday, as quoted by Antara news agency.

He said PPP chairman Suryadharma Ali was the best party member to promote as a presidential or vice presidential candidate in the upcoming election.

“In line with decisions made in the national meeting (Mukernas) in Bandung from Feb.7 until Feb.9, PPP has decided to form a coalition with other political parties,” said Romahurmuziy.

He admitted that the party was in communication with figures of other parties and that preparations were underway to form a coalition.

To be able to nominate its own presidential candidate, PPP must win 112 seats in the House of Representatives in the legislative election, which is set to take place on April 9. Currently, PPP has 38 House seats from the 2009 election.

“We hope that we can win at least 58 seats in the 2014 election,” said Romahurmuziy.


Source/Fuente: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/03/26/ppp-has-eye-six-presidenti...