Veterans back Prabowo

The Jakarta Post
Publication date: 
Mar 27 2014

Hundreds of retired military servicemen have collectively voiced their support for Gerindra Party presidential hopeful Lt. Gen. (ret) Prabowo Subianto.

Speaking for the veterans, former deputy army chief of staff Lt. Gen. (ret) Johannes Suryo Prabowo said they supported Prabowo solely because of his reliable character.

Suryo denied that the veterans came out together as a stunt to boost Prabowo's popularity. He said the support reflected the true aspirations of the veterans.

“We believe that he would be a good president,” he said as quoted by

Former information minister Lt. Gen. (ret) Yunus Yosfiah, another Prabowo supporter, said veterans had the same right to vote as any other civilian. Active servicemen cannot vote.

