New Survey Shows Joko Widodo, PDI-P Remaining Most Popular

Jakarta Globe
Publication date: 
Mar 27 2014

Jakarta. The electability of Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo remains the highest among this year’s crop of presidential hopefuls with a new survey showing that he garners more than 37 percent of the support, leaving his contenders behind, but still shy of the 50 percent support needed to take the race in a single election.

A survey conducted by Charta Politika this month showed that Joko’s electability was as high as 37.4 percent, far exceeding Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) founder Prabowo Subianto, who enjoys 14.5 percent support.

Golkar Party chairman Aburizal Bakrie only drew 9.9 percent support despite repeated assertions that his only contenders were Prabowo and the now-sidelined Megawati Sukarnoputri.

“The tendency is that Jokowi is accepted by all circles. This can be seen across gender and age groups, educational background, income level, profession and geographic origin,” Charta Politika executive director Yunarto Wijaya said in Jakarta on Wednesday, referring to Joko by his popular nickname.

The survey showed that eligible voters mainly found out about presidential and vice presidential hopefuls from television with around 90.9 percent of them saying that they got information from television advertisements. Political advertisements pushing the candidacy of Aburizal, who owns a media empire that includes television stations and news sites, were seen by 35.2 percent of the respondents. People’s Conscience Party (Hanura) chairman Wiranto pulled similar numbers, with 24.6 percent of the respondents saying they have seen his ads. The former Indonesian army general is running with Hary Tanoesoedibjo — the media mogul behind the MNC Group.

Prabowo’s advertisements, which have received heavy play on television despite lacking a stake in a station, were seen by 17.7 percent of the survey’s respondents.

But just seeing the advertisements doesn’t equate to a boost at the polls, Yunarto said. The survey found that of the 87.4 percent of the respondents who saw Golkar’s ads, only 17.2 percent would vote for that party, while 21.1 percent indicated that they would vote for the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P).

Of the 87.2 percent respondents who saw Gerindra’s ads, only 12.7 percent said they would vote for the party, while as many as 21.2 percent said they would vote for the PDI-P.

Yunarto said the survey corroborated a similar survey in December last year, in which PDI-P garnered 15.8 percent support, Golkar 12.6 percent, and Gerindra 7.8 percent support.

“These three parties are predicted to become frontrunners in the 2014 legislative election,” Yunarto said.

He cited results showing other parties, such as the Democratic Party with around 8 percent support, followed by the National Awakening Party (PKB) with 7.2 percent.

The United Development Party (PPP) enjoyed 5.1 percent support, Hanura (4.8 percent), National Mandate Party (PAN) (4.5 percent), and Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) with around 3.2 percent.

