No such thing as a constitutional coup: Jimly

The Jakarta Post
Publication date: 
Mar 30 2014

Efforts to decrease the number abstainers in the 2014 general election were important to quash predictions that there would be riots, Election Organizers Ethics Council (DKPP) chairman Jimly Asshiddiqie said on Sunday.

"It is even being said that the Indonesian Military [TNI] will launch a constitutional coup,” he said during a speech at Al-Azhar Grand Mosque in South Jakarta as quoted by

He said that there was no such thing as a constitutional coup and asked the public to prevent such a thing from becoming a reality.

“We don’t want our country to be like Egypt, Ukraine and Thailand, having to depend on the military in politics. We should make sure that everything goes smoothly,” he said.

He said that it was important to eliminate the potential of an increased number of abstainers.

“The number of abstainers has increased over the years. For example, in 1999, there was a 94 percent voter turnout, but in 2004 there was a 80 percent voter turnout. Do not let numbers further decrease this year,” he said.

Jimly said that abstainers would be abused by particular groups trying to achieve their political objectives, which in turn could have a negative impact on the future of the nation.

"We do not need to be trapped by an illusion that chaos will descend but we need to reduce the number of abstainers," he said.

