KPU kicks off overseas legislative election

The Jakarta Post
Publication date: 
Mar 30 2014

The General Elections Commission (KPU) on Sunday kicked off the 2014 legislative election for Indonesian citizens in five countries

Voting will be carried out at six representative offices, namely in Beijing, Shanghai, Brasilia, Copenhagen, Santiago and Hong Kong.

KPU commissioner Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah said that voting had been scheduled around the local holiday and in consideration of weather conditions to boost voter turnout. In Hong Kong, for instance, voting was held on Sunday, as a storm was predicted to hit the country in early April.

“However the votes will be counted simultaneously with the domestic election on April 9,” said Ferry as quoted by

He said that ballots cast overseas would be kept in the diplomatic offices of each respective country while the Overseas Elections Committee (PPLN) and the Elections Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu) would seal the election boxes.

Voting will also take place on April 3 in Damascus and Havana, and a day later in Abu Dhabi, Algier, Amman, Dacca, Doha, Dubai, Khartoum, Kuwait City, Kyiv, Maputo, Moscow, Muscat, Sanaa and Tehran.

On April 5, voting will take place in Antananarivo, Baghdad, Bangkok, Belgrade, Berlin, Bern, Bogota, Bratislava, Brussels, Bucharest, Buenos Aires, Canberra, Caracas, Chicago, Colombo, Dakar, Darwin, Davao City, The Hague, Dili, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Helsinki, Houston, Jeddah, Cairo, and Lima.

Other cities voting on April 5 are London, Los Angeles, Manama, Melbourne, Mumbai, Nairobi, New York, Ottawa, Panama, Paramaribo, Prague, Rabat, Riyadh, San Francisco, Sarajevo, Sofia, Songkhla, Stockholm, Suva, Sydney, Toronto, Tripoli, Vancouver, Vientiane, Warsaw, Washington DC, Vienna, Windhoek and Zagreb.

While on April 6, votes will be cast in Abuja, Addis Ababa, Ankara, Astana, Athens, Baku, Beirut, Bandar Seri Begawan, Budapest, Cape Town, Dar Es Salam, Guangzhou, Hanoi, Harare, Ho Chi Minh City, Islamabad, Istambul, Karachi, Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Lumpur, Kuching, Lisbon, Madrid, Manila, Marseille, Mexico City, New Delhi, Noumea, Osaka, Penang, Perth, Phnom Penh, Port Moresby, Pretoria, Pyongyang, Rome, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei, Tawau, Tokyo, Tunis, Vatican, Wellington and Yangon.

