President calls for peaceful elections

Antara News
Publication date: 
Apr 01 2014

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Tuesday calls for all related parties to conduct peaceful elections and avoid anarchism.

"Legislative and presidential candidates must be ready to win or lose. The winner should stay humble while those who lose does not need to be furious," Yudhoyono said on his official Twitter account @SBYudhoyono. 

The president took example of presidential election in 1999 and several regional elections in Indonesia which at first run peacefully but then turned violent.

"We must stop such a situation to happen again," the president tweeted. 

Yudhoyono also emphasized the need for the election committee members, police personnel and the people to actively prevent wrongdoings in the elections. 

"The Election Supervisory Council (Bawaslu) needs to actively observe and prevent any fraud during the elections. The police and military personnel must ensure that the situation in the country is peaceful during and after the elections," said the president.

"However the police and military personnel must be neutral during the elections and not taking any side," Yudhoyono added.

