Aburizal looks for grip in Kalla's hometown

The Jakarta Post
Publication date: 
Apr 02 2014

Golkar Party's presidential candidate Aburizal Bakrie looked confident when he led the party's campaign in Makassar, South Sulawesi on Tuesday amid support for former vice president Jusuf Kalla, who is of South Sulawesi descent, who had also been touted as a potential vice presidential candidate.

The leased Fokker F100 executive jet carrying Aburizal and his 50-person entourage, which included some 20 journalists, arrived at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport where several Golkar local executives were waiting for the tycoon.

Dozens of people wearing Golkar shirts and waving party flags had been deployed to welcome Aburizal as he made his way from the plane to the airport's VIP area.

Outside the airport, hundreds of motorcyclists and an open truck with a dangdut singer escorted Aburizal to the Tamalanrea Field where led the party's campaign.

Along the way Aburizal witnessed how respected Kalla was in Sulawesi's biggest city. Big banners displaying support for the former Golkar chairman could be seen often.

Some even showed legislative candidates from other parties with Kalla, one, a Nasdem Party ad, even read [if] "Nasdem wins, JK becomes the president," referring to Jusuf Kalla.

A member of Aburizal's entourage said the local party chapter had tried to "clean up" the Kalla ads before Aburizal's arrival, "but maybe there were too many or some managed to re-erect them."

Kalla is one of Golkar's strongest figures who has massive support in Eastern Indonesia.


Source/Fuente: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/04/02/aburizal-looks-grip-kallas...