MOI Assures Peaceful Election

Tolo News
Publication date: 
Apr 03 2014

The Ministry of Interior Affairs (MoIA) on Thursday assured voters would arrive at polls on Saturday for the country's presidential and provincial council elections amidst a peaceful environment with fair oversight to ensure they are credible and transparent. 

Minister Mohammad Omar Daudzai spoke at a press conference in Kabul on Thursday and called on Afghans to get out and vote in Saturday's elections in order to send a strong message to militants who want to destabilize the country and keep people from excercising their democratic rights. 

"Inshallah, the upcoming elections will be without cheating, cheating is history," Dauodzai said. 

Mr. Daudzai added that he believe the elections would also send a message to the international community. 

"This election will prove to the people of the world that the investments of the past 13 years were not useless," Daudzai said. "This country is now able to maintain its security and hold elections and its people can go and select their presidential and provincial council candidates." 

Although terrorists are trying to derail th election process, their efforts will be useless, acting of head of the National Directorate of Security (NDS) Rahmatullah Nabeel said. 

"We have done our best, but enemies our are still trying to disturb the process," Nabeel acknowledged. "Yet we have had many achievements such as high registration and a smooth end to the campaign season." 

Mr. Daudzai reiterated to the Afghan security forces how important it would be that they maintain their neutrality throughout the voting process.

