IEC To Announce Partial Results By Week's End

Tolo News
Publication date: 
Apr 08 2014

The Independent Election Commission (IEC ) will announce the partial result of Saturday's elections before the end of this week, according to commission officials. 

IEC officials are now collecting ballot boxes and voter lists from each voting center from around the country.

The IEC has reportedly received 60 percent of the materials from Kabul, 40 percent from Parwan and 70 percent from Kapisa. The transfer process from Panjshir has already been completed.

"I promise the people that we will announce the partial results sometime this week," IEC Spokesman Noor Mohammad Noor said. "Announcement will be Wednesday, Thursday or Friday."

Ballot boxes and lists of voters from 37 districts in Badakhshan, Daikondi and Ghor provinces have not been transferred to the provincial centers, according to officials. Noor added that ballot boxes and voter lists from 22 districts have been transferred by air transport. 

IEC's Director of Information Technology, Mohammad Ibrahim, said the lists of voters that have been entered in the database are only from Kabul and Panjshir.

The election commission will isolate ballots from areas that have reported fraud in the presence of election observers for further investigation. 

