Majority of Election Result Sheets Arrived Kabul

Tolo News
Publication date: 
Apr 11 2014


The Independent Election Commission (IEC) reported on Friday that 80 percent of election result sheets have arrived to their central office. The result sheets arrived in 5,156 security boxes from 13 provinces. The remaining results are to arrive in the upcoming days. IEC is responsible for the review of these documents.

“So far, 84% of the result sheets have arrived to the central office and have been collected. Most of these materials are under process. We can say that 84% of these materials end up to have 5156 TB” Noor Muhammad Noor, IEC Spokesman.

The result sheets were first delivered from districts to the provincial IEC offices and to the IEC headquarters in Kabul afterwards.

“Result sheets have arrived from 13 provinces to IEC head office. Only three provinces are remaining and that is due to their small percentage that is also in the process of transfer” Noor added.

IEC will announce the primary election results on April 24 and the final results on May 14.

