Prejudgments on Elections Riggings to be Avoided: ECC

Tolo News
Publication date: 
Apr 11 2014


There is no doubt some frauds and riggings have happened in the elections, but the scale was not as high as the previous elections, secretary of the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC), Nadir Mohseni said on Friday. The scale of frauds would be clarified after the investigations are completed, he added.

So far, 1343 complaints have been registered. ECC has started assessing these complaints since the past two days.

ECC reports that from the total number of 1343 complains, 274 complains have been filed against the presidential candidates, 655 complaints against the provincial councils candidates, and 923 complains about the Independent Election Commission (IEC) staff.

"We cannot confirm how many of these complaints belong to the "A" category. This will be clear in the future," ECC Spokesman Nadir Mohseni said. "Many people have not even filled the complain forms or submitted the necessary evidence and documents."

Previously, the head of ECC had said that the possibility of large scale riggings could undermine election results.

ECC secretary says that prejudgment on the issue of election riggings must be avoided.

"We have received complains regarding riggings in many provinces, but the scale seems much lower than previous elections," Mohseni added. "We can discuss the scale of riggings and whether or not they undermine the election results after finishing our assessments."

IEC argues that the elections were much better compared to the past ones.

“Now is not the right time to make a statement regarding riggings," IEC Spokesman Noor Mohammad Noor said. "As we have said before, fraud has happened, but the scale is not clear. Our reports from the provinces reveal that the riggings will not affect the election results."

ECC hopes that the investigations are completed simultaneously with the partial announcement of election results.

