Lower House Of Parliament: Limit Fraud And Conclude Fairly

Tolo News
Publication date: 
Apr 12 2014

The Lower House of Parliament on Saturday asked electoral commissions to limit fraud and conclude election results fairly and neutrally.

Lower House Speaker Abdul Raouf Ibrahimi said the house will oversee the activities of both the Independent Elections Commission (IEC) and the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) making sure that the votes are not misused.
The news comes as the IEC announced Tuesday that they will release partial results of the elections by the end of the week.

“We call on to the IEC and ECC to be careful of the people’s decision about the election,” Ibrahimi said. “Lawfully, the lower house has the right of overseeing their activities.”

Member of Parliament Monawar Shah Bahadori warned the government and electoral commissions that wrongdoing the people of Afghanistan will not be tolerated.

“We warn the government and both electoral commissions that concocting fraud will not be acceptable, and we will not overlook our people’s votes,” Bahadori said.
According to IEC reports, more than seven million Afghans participated in the April 5 presidential and provincial councils elections.


Source/Fuente: http://www.tolonews.com/elections2014/lower-house-parliament-limit-fraud...