Recounting Continues In Balkh

Tolo News
Publication date: 
Apr 19 2014

Out of the 83 ballot boxes from 17 voting centers in the province of Balkh, only 30 ballot boxes have been recounted. The Independent Election Commission (IEC) officials in Balkh said the ballot boxes are from Mazar-e-Sharif and surrounding districts.

The recount is taking place on the basis that the IEC headquarters in Kabul issued instructions in differentiating real from fake to ensure the cleanest and fairest election result possible.

IEC is performing the recount on the request of the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC). ECC’s condition was that the recounts take place in the presence of the ECC and IEC representatives, observers and officials of the presidential campaigns.

“The public’s demand and our will are to make sure transparency is maintained during the whole process,” Muhammad Anabi, ECC member in Balkh, said.

Another member of the ECC, Daoud Muhammad Anabi, added that they will attempt to complete the recounting process today.

Meanwhile, residents of Balkh call on the election commission to provide fair and neutral results.

“We ask the IEC and ECC to separate the clean and honest votes of the people from the unclean ballots,” resident of Balkh Abdul Qayoum said. “The real votes of the people must be presented to the people.”

ECC officials in Balkh assured the residents that they will provide neutrality throughout the course.

Ballot boxes in review are from Mazar-e-Sharif, Chemtal, Balkh, Zare and Kushenda districts of Balkh province.

