UPDATE: IEC Delays Preliminary Results To Saturday

Tolo News
Publication date: 
Apr 23 2014


The Independent Election Commission (IEC) stated in a press release Tuesday night that they have delayed the announcement of preliminary results to Saturday April 26, 2014. Instead a third partial result will be shared on Thursday.

The press release states, that the delay is only for a short period of time allowing the IEC to thoroughly assess the ballots to provide an accurate and credible result that will impact the final outcome.

According to the IEC Secretariat Chief, Zia-ul-Haq Amarkhail, the IEC is committed in protecting the votes and results, as promised to the public, with utmost honesty.

Preliminary results are scheduled to be released on Saturday April 26, 2014.

IEC was scheduled to release preliminary results on Thursday April 24, 2014.


Source/Fuente: http://www.tolonews.com/elections2014/update-iec-delays-preliminary-resu...