Votes From 15 Polling Sites Invalid In Helmand

Tolo News
Publication date: 
Apr 27 2014


Officials of Helmand provincial Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) declared on Sunday that votes from 15 polling sites have been invalidated.

“Votes from 15 polling sites were voided,” Helmand ECC head, Ali Khil said. “Votes for provincial council from 10 of the 15 sites were invalid and votes for presidential candidates from five sites were voided as well.”

Khil said the total number of votes from the 15 polling sites consists of 7,000 votes.

Meanwhile, officials of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) in Helmand have said they are prepared for a second round of elections.

After IEC’s preliminary result announcement, citizens of Afghanistan are waiting for the final decision of the ECC.

