Prabowo would be hardest hit by new party coalition: consultant

The Jakarta Post
Publication date: 
Apr 27 2014

A political consultant has warned that the Gerindra Party’s presidential hopeful Prabowo Subianto will suffer the most if a group of political parties that managed to gain less than 10 percent of the vote form another coalition.

Yunarto Wijaya of Charta Politika said currently there were three larger parties that were likely to form coalitions with middle-sized parties. They are the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), Gerindra and the Golkar Party, the top-three parties according to quick-count surveys.

“Prabowo will be hit hardest if these [smaller] parties form a different coalition,” he said as quoted by on Saturday.

He said the United Development Party (PPP), which earlier supported Gerindra had retracted its support.  In fact, he went on, many factions within the PPP actually wanted the party to move closer to the PDI-P and its presidential hopeful Joko “Jokowi” Widodo.

However, he also warned the middle parties that they should come up with a capable presidential hopeful and not just a follower who would likely fail to gain support from the public.

He also suggested the middle-sized parties to consider 11 figures who were currently participating in the Democratic Party's presidential convention, as the presidential hopeful should this group emerge as a force in the upcoming presidential election.

Among those figures are State-Owned Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan, former trade minister Gita Wirjawan, former Indonesia ambassador for the U.S. Dino Patti Djalal and former army chief of staff Gen. (ret) Pramono Edhy Wibowo.

