ECC Registers 71 Complaints Against Preliminary Results

Tolo News
Publication date: 
Apr 28 2014


On Monday Nadir Mohseni, spokesman to the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC), reported that 71 complaints have been filed against the preliminary results.

Mohseni said that the complaints were filed by leading presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah and falling in sixth place in the preliminary round, presidential candidate Gul Agha Sherzai.

“So far 71 complaints have been filed against the preliminary results,” Mohseni said. “One complaint was filed by Gul Agha Sherzai and the rest, 70, complaints registered by Abdullah Abdullah.”

The ECC stated that they will publicize the complaints sometime next week.

According to Mohseni, more complaints have been registered by ECC provincial offices across the country.

“Complaint breakdowns of provinces are: two from Kabul, one in Wardak, five Nangarhar, 12 Laghman, five in Ghazni, 26 in Paktia, three in Khost, two in Kunar, one in Balk, one in Kandahar, two in Faryab, one in Badghis and 10 complaints in western Herat,” Mohseni announced. 

The ECC added that complaints against the 525 invalidated polling centers and sites must be registered with evidence by Monday at 7 p.m.

The ECC will complete its assessments of complaints within 48 hours.

“A candidate must provide solid evidence and documents about the voided votes from polling centers and sites from across the country,” Mohseni explained. “They must share evidence with us in written form and must appear in person to defend the claims; otherwise, the ECC will not accept criticisms made through media.”

The ECC has pledged to assess the complaints accurately and transparently to provide a final decision on the issue as stated in the law.

