Prabowo holds meeting with Aburizal on possible coalition

The Jakarta Post
Publication date: 
Apr 29 2014

Gerindra Party presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto met with Golkar Party's Aburizal Bakrie at the latter's residence in Central Jakarta on Monday to discuss a potential coalition ahead the July 9 presidential election.

Prabowo arrived around 12.30 p.m. Golkar politicians downplayed the meeting as merely "Aburizal hosting Prabowo for lunch."

Prabowo is a former Golkar member. After losing the party's presidential convention in 2004, he left the party and founded Gerindra.

Both Prabowo and Aburizal are yet to secure their presidential tickets given the 25 percent popular vote threshold required for a single party to nominate a presidential candidate.

Prabowo's Gerindra got around 11 percent while Aburizal's Golkar garnered 15 percent, meaning that they both need coalition partners to meet the threshold.

