Delay in ECC Report Cause of Concern

Tolo News
Publication date: 
May 12 2014

The Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) was expected to report the findings of its complaint investigations to the Independent Election Commission (IEC) on May 8. However, four days later, the announcement of final results from the April 5 election remains delayed as the public awaits action from the ECC.

The IEC cannot announce the final results of the presidential election until the conclusion of this year's lengthy fraud assessment process. ECC officials have said the review process has been completed, yet the delivery of its findings remains stalled.

"So far we have not received the findings of the ECC, but we are waiting to receive them as soon as possible," IEC spokesman Noor Mohammad Noor said on Monday.

The exact reasons for the delay remains unclear. The ECC has not offered any public explanation.

The delay and deviation from the election timeline has garnered frustration among many Afghans. Many have said the uncertainty surrounding the election has caused problems for Afghan business.

"We want the electoral bodies to complete their work, because people are anxious and concerned," a resident of Kabul named Maryam told TOLOnews. 

"Business activities have been undermined...what are they doing?... let the people avoid these problems."

This year's presidential election marks a historic event for Afghanistan, its first democratic transition of power in modern history. It also comes at a critical juncture for the country, with NATO troops withdrawing by the end of the year.

"I am a tailor, and our business is not doing well because all await the results of the elections," another resident named Najibullah said.

Former chief of the IEC, Azizullah Ludin, warned that further delay would only become a bigger issue, and he urged election officials to communicate more openly about the delays.

"If these commissions were aware that they couldn't complete their job in time, then they should have told the people," Ludin said.

With the announcement of final results being pushed back because of the ECC's delay, it is likely that the runoff round between the the top two contenders will be delayed as well. The second round is intended to be held within 15 days of final results being announced.

