Candidates Prepare for Runoff Campaigns

Tolo News
Publication date: 
May 17 2014

Runoff candidates Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai have begun preparing for the brief campaign period that will take place before the second round scheduled for June 14.

Although both contenders have the same two week window to try to secure a victor for themselves, Abdullah heads into the runoff election with a leg-up on Ashraf Ghani after ending the first round vote count nearly 14 percent ahead.

Perhaps his significant lead is why Abdullah’s campaign reported only modest plans for the upcoming campaign period. 
“We are planning for the runoff, but at this time, our campaign will not be expanded and we will only have a couple trips to provinces for a number of gatherings,” Abdullah campaign team member Syed Fazel Aqa Sancharaki said on Saturday.

In contrast, Ashraf Ghani’s team seem to be more inclined to take advantage of the campaign period as much as possible. 
“This time we will try to travel to the provinces where we couldn’t go in the first round, if it is possible we will go to other provinces as well...,” Ashraf Ghani campaign team member Abbas Noyan said.
Abdullah campaign has expressed apprehensions about security threats to the runoff round. There were a number of attacks on.

