Karzai’s Cousin Endorses Abdullah Abdullah

Tolo News
Publication date: 
May 21 2014

Jamil Karzai, cousin of President Hamid Karzai and influential businessman, announced his support for Abdullah Abdullah on Wednesday.

“We have decided to announce our support to the team that whose goal is to reform and bring solidarity to the country: Dr. Abdullah Abdullah,” Karzai said. “We promise to move shoulder to shoulder with him.”

In addition, Jamil Karzai vowed to undertake all possible efforts to make sure Dr. Abdullah comes out victorious in the second round of the presidential elections. 

A few minutes later, Dr. Abdullah stepped onto the stage emphasizing that the runoff will not be based on ethnicities. He called on the Afghan people to participate in the second round. However, there are speculations about a possible ethnic political move during the runoff process.

“It is not applicable to move the elections toward ethnicity, we are confident that the country will not go into crisis,” Abdullah explained. “We will always protect the national interests.”

The runoff campaigns are scheduled to begin on Thursday May 22.


Source/Fuente: http://www.tolonews.com/elections2014/karzai%E2%80%99s-cousin-endorses-a...