Former Intelligence Chief Endorses Abdullah For Runoff

Tolo News
Publication date: 
May 27 2014

Former Afghan intelligence chief and leader of Green Trend movement Amrullah Saleh on Monday endorsed the leading presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah for the June 14 runoff.

Speaking in an event in Kabul, Mr Saleh said he supported Abdullah and asking for a “free from prejudice and corruption government”, if he is elected.

Abdullah welcomed the endorsement and said he would fulfill the promises he made during the campaign. He also asked the people for huge turnout on June 14 polling.

Saleh’s endorsement comes a day after President Hamid Karzai’s brother Mahmood Karzai also announced his support for Abdullah.

Mahmood Karzai did not say whether he would serve in Abdullah’s government.

President Karzai has not publically backed any of the two candidates and has promised to remain impartial.

