Ashraf Ghani Explains Higher Education Policy

Tolo News
Publication date: 
May 27 2014

Runoff candidate Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahamdzai on Tuesday took time to explain his higher education policy to a number of students in Kabul. Ghani pledged to change the management system of universities and eliminate discrimination and corruption in education.

Ashraf Ghani, the former Chancellor of Kabul University, rolled-out his higher education platform as part of his runoff campaign push. He is set to face-off with Abdullah Abdullah in the runoff election on June 14. 
On Tuesday, Ghani said he would create special universities for mine and management sectors. “Our biggest aim in higher education sector is to invest in the minds of the youth, because the way to resolve the issues in Afghanistan is to invest in the youth,” Ghani said.
Ghani rattled off a number of ideas he had for reforming higher education in Afghanistan, demonstrating his depth of knowledge on the subject.

He said he would update the curriculum in accordance to international standards, change the management system of universities and combat administrative corruption and discrimination. 
“Anyone who attempts to promote ethnic discrimination would be expelled from the university, because higher education must reflect national unification, no one can be allowed to discriminate...,” Ghani said.
Ghani lost the first round of the election to Abdullah by more than 10 percentage points. However, with no outright majority having been won, the two were forced into a runoff. Now, with fresh endorsements and second chance to win supporters, Ashraf Ghani seems confident the second round will go better for him than did the first.

