Abdullah Wants Jaghori District Of Ghazni To Become Province

Tolo News
Publication date: 
May 29 2014

While speaking to 300,000 supporters in Jaghori district of Ghazni province on Thursday, presidential candidate Dr. Abdullah Abdullah promised to turn Jaghori into its own province if elected in June.  
As the June 14 runoff vote approaches, Abdullah and his rival Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai have stepped-up their campaign activities, looking to grab any additional support they can before Afghans head to the polls. This year’s election will mark Afghanistan’s first democratic transition in modern history.

In poverty stricken Jaghori district, Abdullah’s promises of road maintenance, reconstruction and security carried a resonance that the presidential hopeful clearly hopes will translate to support on election day. 
“People of Jaghori demand their district be turned into a province, which is a legitimate demand,” Abdullah said. “God-willing, if we win, we will turn Jaghori into a province.”

With province status would come a whole new slue of powers, privileges and opportunities for Jaghori. And at the even on Thursday, that future was tied to an Adbullah victory.

“Your destiny is in your hands; you will decide your next president, and I am sure you will make Dr. Abdullah Abdullah your next president,” Abdullah’s Second Vice President Mohammad Mohaqeq told the crowd.


Source/Fuente: http://www.tolonews.com/elections2014/abdullah-wants-jaghori-district-gh...