Observers Express Support For Abdullah's Amarkhail Demands

Tolo News
Publication date: 
Jun 18 2014

Afghanistan's leading election monitoring groups on Wednesday spoke on the recent statements made by presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah, including his allegations of fraud against the Independent Election Commission (IEC) and its Secretariat Chief, Zia-ul-Haq Amarkhail.

Free and Fair Election Foundation of Afghanistan (FEFA) Executive Director Mohammad Yousaf Rashid maintained the election commissions were obligated to address any concerns voice by the candidates. He called on the commissions to undertake confidence building measures and warned that mistrust between election officials and the candidates could lead to a crisis in the election process.

On Wednesday morning, Abdullah held a press conference in which he demanded the suspension of Amarkhail and a full investigation into his actions. He said his team had evidence that Amarkhail was involved in fraud, as well as proof that the commission was behind a significant amount of electoral improprieties during the runoff.

“A transparent and serious investigation is required to assess the allegation," FEFA's Rashid said on Wednesday regarding Abdullah's comments.  "The electoral bodies must take confidence building measures and Mr. Amarkhail’s authority must be reduced if needed."

The Transparent Election Foundation of Afghanistan (TEFA) echoed a similar sentiment, urging President Karzai to suspend Amarkhail. 
IEC Chairman Ahmed Yousuf Nuristani said earlier this week that Amarkhail's fate was ultimately up to Karzai.

“Dr. Abdullah is an important part of the elections, his demand must be addressed, if it is possible, the president must suspend Mr. Amarkhail during the investigations,” TEFA chairman Mohammad Naeem Ayoubzada said.

Abdullah said on Wednesday that he would cut off ties with the IEC and withdraw his observers in light of the fact that his requests to have Amarkhail suspended and investigated went unmet.The presidential hopeful went so far as to say President Hamid Karzai has failed to remain neutral during the election.

