International community does not recognise GNC’s and Abu Sahmain’s “comic Tripoli play”: Thinni

Libya Herald
Publication date: 
Oct 18 2014

Asked about the international community’s position with regards to the current political situation in Libya, Prime Minister Abdullah Thinni said that the international community does not recognise the GNC’s and Nuri Abu Sahmain’s comic play.

Speaking in an interview on Friday, Thinni added: “I assure everyone that the international community does not recognize the comic play that is taking place in Tripoli”.

The “comic Tripoli play” Thinni was referring to was the reconvening of the former GNC with less than 30 members in Tripoli (some report as few as nine) from the losing political stream after the results of the 25 June elections delivered them a crushing defeat.

The former GNC members formed an alternative and internationally unrecognised “Salvation Government” headed by alternative Prime Minister Omar Hassi. Their militias also attacked and took control of Tripoli in a war in July, forcing the legitimately recognised Thinni government and House of Representatives to flee Tripoli and seek refuge in Beida and Tobruk.

Thinni explained that “the best proof of that (comic Tripoli play) is the recent visit of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to Tripoli and his refusal to meet with Nuri Abu Sahmain and Omar Hassi after they had asked for a meeting”.

Thinni said that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon had informed Abu Sahmain and Hassi that “they do not represent any form of legitimacy and it is a slap that confirms that the international community is standing with the legitimate body selected by the Libyan people”. (In fact, Ban had pointedly refused to meet with them when he visited Tripoli last Saturday.)

“Therefore the international community did not recognise what had happened in Tripoli and considers it illegitimate and fully recognises the House of Representatives, and everyone is sympathetic with Libya until it reaches safety and achieves security and stability through the dialogue table and understanding, integration and the participation of everyone”, Thinni said, reaching out with an olive branch to opposition.

“Is it conceivable”, Thinni posed the question “that a minority group that does not even constitute three percent of the Libyan people impose its will and cancels what was decided by the Libyan people for their parliament?” – a parliament that “the world witnessed was chosen in a clean way and with free will”.

“When they (the losing political stream) found out that they have no place in parliament and that they did not have the influence and power, they wanted to create this sitcom, directed by a miserable human being that does not understand anything in politics. They wanted to obstruct the march of the Libyan people, but they will be held accountable for all the crimes they have committed against the people”, emphasised Thinni.

“I reassure the Libyan people that Tripoli will be liberated, God willing, and all that I hope is that young people in Tripoli and every free proud Libyan citizen does not accept humiliation and tyranny. Life is dignity (defined by) either living above ground with our dignity or dying standing and is better for us than a life of humiliation”.

“So I hope that everyone is preparing themselves to join with the army for the liberation of the capital of these terrorist groups that created destruction and displaced families and stopped study in schools and universities and burned the airport completely, destroyed cities completely. And the region of Warshefana is a complete disaster area with the families of Warshefana outside the area of Warshefana and displaced people at home and abroad as a result of people who want to rule the Libyan people by the use of force.

“This is impossible to achieve. If they were able to realise this (the rule over Libyans by the use of force) it would be like the devil’s dream in paradise. It cannot be achieved, God willing, as long as there is a will and sincere youth. Libya cannot be left for these”, concluded Thinni.


By Sami Zaptia.