Leon urges formation of national unity government

Libya Herald
Publication date: 
Feb 16 2015


UNSMIL's Bernardini Leon widens participation for Ghadames II

UNSMIL’s Bernardini Leon calls on Libyans to agree to formation of a national unity government


On the eve of the fourth anniversary of the revolution, United Nations Special Envoy Bernadino Leon has urged all Libyans to recommit to the revolution’s goals of building a democratic state based on human rights and the rule of law and to agree to the formation of a national unity government.

Urging all stakeholders in the country to stop casting blame, Leon called for focus on key issues: stopping the political and security deterioration, ending the fighting, preventing terrorist groups from expanding and reviving the stalled efforts of state building.

Libyans did not expect that four years after their revolution, Libyans would be fighting Libyans or that terrorist groups, taking advantage of the chaos, would be gaining ground and committing egregious crimes, Leon said.

He insisted: “With determination and perseverance, Libya still has a chance to “defeat war and terrorism and bounce back”.

He also insisted that efforts to bring all Libyan parties together for dialogue have gained momentum in the past few weeks.

“Participants are in agreement that they want a united country and a political solution as soon as possible to ensure an end to the bloodshed and the suffering.” he said, “It is (your) opportunity to agree on security arrangements to end the fighting and ensure the withdrawal of armed groups from the cities to allow the state to take control of vital installations”.



By Libya Herald staff.

