Women want 45% representation in government

Libya Herald
Publication date: 
Mar 15 2015


Libyan women being given UN-sponsored training on conflict resolution, negotiation and mediation have demanded that the make-up of government should be at least 45 percent female.

The women insisted that as women, they have an effective role to play in establishing and building peace. Furthermore, they went on to say that “based on the principle of citizenship and participation in the building of a new Libya”, they should certainly be offered the opportunity to play a significant role in the country’s future.

Considering Libya’s security, the women said that they expected that women would be integrated—with training–into all areas of the army and police, especially the judicial police and customs. Female representation in this arm of the government should also be no less than 45 percent, they said.

The workshop, held in Amman, Jordan was sponsored by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) with the Swedish Institute in Alexandria.

Two women taking part in the UNSMIL-led political dialogue in Morocco, Naimeh Jibril and Nehad Maetig, were also invited to the event to brief participants on the progress made in Morocco and to respond to their questions.

By Libya Herald staff.


