Arab states must intervene in Libya exactly as in Yemen: Thinni

Libya Herald
Publication date: 
Mar 30 2015


The Prime Minister of Libya Abdullah Thinni, appointed by the elected House of Representatives, the only internationally recognized parliament in Libya, said that the Arab leaders took a bold decision in intervening for legitimacy and against terrorism in Yemen.

Thinni said that the Arab world could not intervene with operation ‘’Decisive Storm’’ in Yemen and not intervene in Libya where the exact situation of a coup against legitimacy has taken place.

Speaking in an interview from Tunis Sunday with the Saudi based Al-Hadath satellite TV channel, the Prime Minister said that the decisions taken at the recent Arab summit in Egypt’s Sharm el-Sheikh in support of the legitimate Libyan authorities were decisions in the interest of the Libyan people.

He thanked the Arab leaders for their supportive resolutions and explained that a number of Arab countries have stood by Libya in its legitimacy issue from the beginning, such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Jordan.

Thinni said that it was clear that there was now a change in the Arab position, especially after the deterioration of the security and political situations in Yemen. It was important that the Arab states take a positive attitude towards Libya in the same way as they did towards Yemen.

With regards to international intervention in the Libyan conflict, Thinni added that his government had requested air strikes from the beginning in order to weaken the militias so that the (legitimate) Libyan army could quickly gain control over the entire country.

On the issue of the formation of a joint Arab defence force, Thinni said that a meeting will be held soon in which Libya will be represented by its Chief of Staff and that Libya will be supporting the formation of such a force and contributing with whatever possible.

The final statement on Sunday of the 26th Arab Summit in Egypt’s tourist resort of Sharm el Sheikh, called on Arab states to provide full political and material support for the legitimate government in Libya, and support the national army.

The statement called on the Security Council and Arab leaders to quickly lift a ban on arms imports to the Libyan Government as the legitimate authority, and in preventing the flow of arms to terrorist groups in Libya.



By Libya Herald reporter.