After Misrata, now GNC back peddles on Skhirat Dialogue

Libya Herald
Publication date: 
Apr 08 2015



Following fast on the heels of Monday’s warning from Misrata Municipal Council that it could withdraw from the UN-brokered dialogue because of what it claimed was the “other side’s” lack of commitment to it, the GNC is now making the same threat.

In Tripoli, Mohamed Emazab, one of the four members of the General National Congress team at the Dialogue, told the Anadolu Agency that it was likely that the GNC would abandon the dialogue because of increasing military action by Libyan National Army forces in the west of the country. This was a violation of the truce, he declared.

Moreover, in solving the current crisis, he was quoted by pro-Libya Dawn/GNC media as saying, the issue of which parliament was legitimate was more serious than that of working out a government of national unity.

Because of this, he said, neither he nor his colleagues would submit any names for the government of national unity at the next session in Skhirat.

Meanwhile, there are also unconfirmed reports that the political party headed by controversial politician and businessman Abdul Hakim Behaj has similarly called the UN and the international community to punish the House of Representatives and the Libyan National Army for undermining the dialogue. The Nation (Watan) Party, is reported by pro-HoR media having called on the international community to take action against those responsible for the repeated attacks on Tripoli and other Libyans towns and cities, and bombardment of civil utlilities in breach of the supposed ceasefire.

It is not thought likely, however, that either the GNC or Belhaj will boycott the talks.


By Libya Herald staff.