Libya PM: Turkey Keeps Supplying Anti-government Militias with Weapons

The Tripoli Post
Publication date: 
Feb 28 2015

Libyan PM casting his vote during the elections of the House of Representatives in 25 June 2014.


Libya Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni has strongly criticized Turkey for supplying anti-government militias with weapons in violation of international law and Security Council resolutions.

These militias are in alliance with extremist Islamists and the Islamic State and Al Qaeda affiliate groups in Libya.

"Turkey is a state that is not dealing honestly with us. It's exporting weapons to us so the Libyan people kill each other," he told Egyptian TV channel CBC late on Thursday.

It has been well established fact that Turkey is providing weapons, political and economic support to Libya Dawn militias mostly from the city of Misurata, 200 kms east of Tripoli, without respect to the internationally recognized government which was democratically elected in June 2014.

"We don't say we are hostile to Turkey but we say we don't deal with it," Thinni said.

Turkey is one of a handful of countries which has publicly received ‘officials’ from militias that are currently control the capital Tripoli. Turkey had colonialized Libya for over 350 years starting from 1551 to 1911 during the Ottoman era.

Critics of Ankara say its Libya policy is an extension of a pro-Islamist agenda which has already seen relations sour with other former regional allies, notably Egypt.

The Libyan social media is full of accusations that Turkey could be planning to impose its will on Libyans by means of supporting one group of militias against the legitimate government.

Libyan officials said this week it would exclude Turkish companies from future deals, accusing Ankara of backing the self-declared Tripoli government and its allied armed groups.

He repeated that Turkish firms would be excluded from contracts, noting that any outstanding bills would be paid.

A spokesman for Turkey's foreign ministry strongly denied Thinni's allegations.

"Instead of repeating the same baseless and untrue allegations we advise them to support U.N. efforts for political dialogue," spokesman Tanju Bilgic told Reuters.