Tripoli revolutionaries threaten State Council

Libya Herald
Publication date: 
Mar 02 2016


A groups calling itself “Revolutionaries of the Revolution’s Squares” has threatened to attack members of the planned State Council who have been meeting in the capital. Speaking today on Nabaa TV channel, owned by radical Islamist Abdulhakim Belhaj, they described the series of meetings held by the council as a conspiracy. Its aim, they said, was a split among the revolutionaries.

They also claimed that responsibility for any bloodshed that might occur in Tripoli would lie with what they called “the dissidents and supporters of Kobler’s conspiracy”. The State Council meetings were a coup on the revolution, they said. They added they knew where the meetings were talking place and that they were ready to make “crucial decisions” to deal with the challenge.

The threat follows a meeting of 53 Congress members who are also members for the State Council. At the meeting, they said that they were 100-percent behind the Libyan Political agreement (LPA) and which now had to be be implemented.

In a statement read out by Hay Al-Andalus congressman and member of the present state council member, Abdulrahaman Al-Shater, and broadcast by theLPC Panorama satellite channel, members said they were determined to end the nationwide crisis and support the government of national accord led by Faiez Serraj. They also said that it had to operate from Tripoli.


Shater also called on the international community to continue its backing on Libyan unity.






By Saber Ayyub