
Mauritania's referendum set for July 15

Apr 30 2017
APA news

The date for the referendum on the constitution in Mauritania is July 15, according to a statement released Thursday in Nouakchott, at the end of the weekly government meeting.

“The vote will be organized based on the electoral roll used for the 2014 presidential poll, which has been revised for the 2017 referendum, as part of an administrative census conducted for additional electoral purposes,” the statement said.

Le Conseil constitutionnel rappelle les modalités de recours contestant la régularité du vote

Apr 30 2017

ALGER- Le Conseil constitutionnel a rappelé dans un  communiqué publié dimanche les conditions et modalités de recours  contestant la régularité des opérations de vote, par les candidats et partis politiques participant aux législatives du 4 mai prochain, dont  notamment l'obligation d'exposer les motifs et de joindre les documents à  l'appui du recours.

Programme gouvernemental: L’opposition critique un manque de vision politique

Apr 26 2017
Aujourd'hui Le Maroc

Les hostilités sont lancées au Parlement. En effet, les partis de l’opposition à la Chambre des représentants ont estimé que le programme gouvernemental ne s’inscrit pas dans une perspective politique claire, manque d’objectifs déterminés et ne présente pas d’agenda précis pour sa mise en application.

Report: Hizbullah Rejects PSP Law Format, Four-Party Meeting over Electoral Law Fails

Apr 25 2017

An extended four-party meeting held at the Center House Sunday evening failed to record a breakthrough agreement on a new electoral law for Lebanon's parliamentary polls, as Hizbullah party “mourned” a law format suggested by the Progressive Socialist Party, media reports said on Tuesday.

Campaigning begins in Iran presidential election

Apr 22 2017
Press TV

Campaigning has begun for Iran's presidential election with incumbent Hassan Rouhani facing a tough battle against Principlists who criticize his handling of the economy.   

Rouhani’s main rivals in the race appear to be Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi, a senior cleric who heads a major charity organization, as well as Tehran Mayor Mohammad-Baqer Qalibaf.  

Rouhani’s deputy Es’haq Jahangiri as well as two more low-key candidates are the other contenders who had their qualifications approved by the Guardian Council, Iran’s top vetting body.

Albania Faces Election Without Opposition Parties

Apr 21 2017
Balkan Insight

For the first time, the opposition parties have not registered to participate in the coming general election in June, raising serious questions about its likely credibility. 

Albania's Central Election Commission on Thursday refused to postpone a deadline for parties and coalitions to register for upcoming general election in June, leaving the ruling parties heading into the polls alone.
