
Législatives : le gouvernement vole au secours des partis

Apr 21 2017
Tout sur l'Algérie

Le gouvernement se mobilise pour booster  la campagne électorale. À partir d’Oran où il a effectué,  mercredi, une visite d’inspection, le premier ministre Abdlemalek Sellal a appelé les Algériens à voter massivement le 4 mai « pour barrer la route aux marchands de la démission et aux prêcheurs du désespoir ».

Recorded or Live? Decision on broadcasting presidential debates sparks controversy

Apr 21 2017
Iran Diplomacy

Wednesday afternoon, Iranian media reported that televised debates among presidential candidates would not be livestreamed, but recorded before being broadcast by state-run TV for the citizens. The decision, according to media, was made in the latest session of the Committee for Monitoring Presidential Election Campaigns, a legal body assigned to guarantee that electoral candidates receive an equal share of public facilities during the campaign period.

Iran's Interior Ministry announces final list of presidential candidates

Apr 20 2017
Press TV

Iran’s Interior Ministry on Thursday night gave the following list of candidates (in alphabetical order) vetted by the Guardian Council.

  • Mostafa Aqa-Mirsalim
  • Mostafa Hashemi-Taba
  • Es'haq Jahangiri
  • Mohammad-Baqer Qalibaf
  • Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi
  • Hassan Rouhani

The vetting body was examining the qualifications of more than 1,600 candidates who registered to run for president for days.

Voilà pourquoi les partis chrétiens refusent la proportionnelle

Apr 20 2017
L'Orient Le Jour

Après avoir à diverses occasions soutenu le mode de scrutin proportionnel par le passé, les partis chrétiens ont opéré un revirement vers le modèle mixte ou le système à deux tours prévoyant la préqualification. Pourquoi les principales formations ont-elles ainsi tourné le dos à la proportionnelle ?

Albania Opposition Set to Ignore Presidential Election

Apr 19 2017
Balkan Insight

As leaders of the main parties start the business of electing a new President of Albania, there is no sign of the opposition parties calling off their boycott and becoming part of the process.

Albania's parliament will complete the first round of electing a new President on Wednesday afternoon, even though no candidate will be up for a vote.

Massoud to Ghani: You have got no right or power to fire me

Apr 18 2017

Ahmad Zia Massoud on Tuesday strongly reacted to his dismissal as President Ashraf Ghani's Special Representative on Reforms and Good Governance.

On Monday, President Ghani in a decree ordered the dismissal of Zia Massoud and dissolved his position. The decree didn’t make clear why the move was taken.

Rejecting his dismissal, Massoud suggested that his appointment to the post came following a codified deal with the president.

“You (Ghani) have got no right or power to fire me,” Massoud said at a press conference in Kabul.

Les islamistes en embuscade

Apr 18 2017
El Watan

Les partis islamistes, même dispersés, affichent leurs ambitions et prétendent être capables de rafler la majorité des sièges dans la prochaine Assemblée populaire nationale (APN). La phénoménale intrusion des nombreuses «candidates sans visage» sur les affiches électorales de certaines formations du camp démocratique et nationaliste atteste d’une évolution insoupçonnée de la mouvance islamiste dans la société.

Fadlallah Urges Approval of Electoral Law on May 15, Says Format Can't be 'Imposed'

Apr 17 2017

MP Hassan Fadlallah of Hizbullah's Loyalty to Resistance bloc on Monday called on the political forces to seek the approval of a new electoral law during the May 15 legislative session as he stressed that no party in Lebanon can “impose” a certain electoral system on the other parties.

Turkish authorities search for biological, chemical weapons before members of top brass, parliamentary speaker cast votes

Apr 16 2017
Hurriyet Daily News

Turkish authorities have conducted a search for biological and chemical weapons in a school in which members of the top brass and the country’s parliamentary speaker were scheduled to vote in the Çankaya district of Ankara. 
