
Le Hezbollah ne parvient toujours pas à imposer le projet de proportionnelle intégrale

Mar 23 2017
L'Orient Le Jour

Si d'aucuns estiment que les négociations politiques portant sur une nouvelle loi électorale sont tombées dans l'immobilisme, en attendant le retour du Premier ministre Saad Hariri et du ministre des Affaires étrangères, Gebran Bassil, de leur voyage en Égypte et aux États-Unis respectivement, le progrès pourrait bien émaner du courant du Futur qui aurait laissé entendre qu'il est ouvert à la proportionnelle intégrale, estimait-on hier

Mauritania vows referendum to abolish Senate, change flag

Mar 23 2017

Nouakchott - A contentious amendment to Mauritania's constitution, which would abolish the Senate and change the national flag, will be put to a referendum "as quickly as possible," the president said Wednesday.

The proposal to modify the constitution, which has been in force since 1991, was approved by lawmakers in the lower house of the west African Islamic republic but rejected by 33 out of 56 senators earlier this month.

Albania Reforms Senate Caucus to Boost US Ties

Mar 23 2017
Balkan Insight

After years of allowing its old association in the US Congress to lapse, the Senate Caucus has been reactivated to support the aspirations of Albanians and their influence in Washington. 

Albania is trying to woo important friends in Washington DC at a time when the policies of the new White House under Donald Trump towards the Balkans are still unsettled and unclear.

Supreme Leader: This year marks important year

Mar 21 2017
Islamic Republic News Agency

“This year marks an important year for the country both because of the country’s need to a major economic vibrancy … and of the imminent presidential and rural and city councils’ elections, which are in turn of high importance,” said the Supreme Leader in an address to large groups of pilgrims to the holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS), the 8th Imam of Prophet Mohammad’s (Peace Be upon Him and His Progeny) infallible household, on the occasion of the start of the
