
Hamas elects new leader in Gaza

Feb 13 2017

The ruling party in the Gaza Strip, Hamas movement, today has announced its new leader following “secret” elections in the strip.

The new leader, Yahia Sanwar, is a senior commander who was released from Israeli prisons in the Shalit prisoner exchange deal in 2011, and is considered one of the top militants in the military wing of Hamas.

Sources said that the elections are also taking place in order to announce the new members in the West Bank Hamas offices.

Ahmadinejad Vows Impartiality in Upcoming Presidential Race in Iran

Feb 11 2017
Fars News Agency

"I don’t and will not support any one, party or group. It is my decisive and unchangeable stance," Ahmadinejad said in a statement on Saturday.

He dismissed media reports claiming that Ahmadinejad plans to render support for a specific candidate during the May election as rumors, and said, "I clearly declare that such rumors and news are not true and are strongly dismissed even if they are quoted by people with close ties to me."

Somalia: The Big Cheese - Why President Farmaajo Holds So Much Hope for Somalia

Feb 09 2017
All Africa

Why is there so much excitement around the former prime minister's surprise appointment as Somalia's new president?

On 8 February, the protracted Somalia elections finally came to an end to widespread celebrations and surprise as Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo was appointed as the new president.

Ex-Somali PM heralds 'new beginning' after presidential election win

Feb 08 2017
The Guardian

Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed’s victory prompts celebrations and the hope that he can get to grips with Somalia’s multiple challenges

Celebrations have erupted on the streets of Somalia after parliamentarians elected a new president, with crowds chanting songs and firing automatic weapons into the night sky.

The election of Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, a 55-year-old former prime minister and dual US-Somali national with a reputation for independence and competence, has raised the hopes of millions of people in the poor and violent east African state.

Somalia celebra las elecciones más democráticas en 47 años

Feb 08 2017
El Mundo

El exprimer ministro de Somalia, Mohamed Adbullahi Farmaajo, ha sido elegido nuevo presidente del país en las elecciones llevadas a cabo hoy en la capital, Mogadiscio, según ha informado la agencia Efe. La Asamblea Nacional le ha designado como nuevo dirigente del país con 184 votos, sustituyendo al presidente de transición, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, quien ha recibido 97 votos durante la segunda ronda de votaciones.

Le casse-tête des chaînes privées

Feb 08 2017
Tout sur l´Algérie

La prochaine campagne pour les législatives du 4 mai 2017 constituera une nouvelle occasion pour reposer le rôle des médias, notamment des nouvelles chaînes privées de télévision.

Ce rôle a été accessoirement abordé lors des élections présidentielles de 2014 après la fermeture, en mars de la même année, d’Atlas TV, soupçonnée de mener campagne contre le 4e mandat pour Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

L’ex primo ministro Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo è stato eletto presidente della Somalia

Feb 08 2017

L’ex primo ministro Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo è stato eletto presidente della Somalia. I candidati erano una ventina e tra loro c’era anche il presidente uscente Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, che ha riconosciuto la vittoria del rivale al secondo turno, rinunciando al ballottaggio. I parlamentari somali hanno votato all´aeroporto di Mogadiscio, ritenuto il luogo più sicuro della città. Martedì 7 febbraio la capitale somala era stata colpita da diversi attacchi organizzati dai militanti di Al Shabaab


Cabinet makes ECP autonomous

Feb 08 2017
Pakistan Today

Federal Cabinet on Tuesday accorded approval to Electoral Reforms Bill – paving the way for envisaging “total financial, administrative and functional autonomy” to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).

However, the bill did not touch upon implementation of articles 62 and 63 because the committee failed to evolve consensus on the issue. Hence, the issue of the implementation of ‘Sadiq’ and ‘Ameen’ for all candidates has not been touched upon in the draft legislation.

Pakistan electoral reform plans aim to boost women's participation in politics

Feb 07 2017

LAHORE, Pakistan (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Reforms to Pakistan's electoral laws making it mandatory for political parties to allot five percent of their tickets to women candidates were approved on Tuesday by the federal cabinet, the country's highest decision-making body.

Under Pakistan's constitution, women are guaranteed seats through a quota system in the national parliament and regional assemblies in Punjab, Sindh, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan provinces.

Chafik Sarsar élu président de l'organisation des organes d'administration des élections arabes

Feb 07 2017
Al Huffington Post - Maghreb

Le président de l’Instance Supérieur Indépendante pour les élections (ISIE), Chafik Sarsar, a été élu, ce mardi, président l’organisation des organes d’administration des élections arabes (ArabEMBs) en marge des travaux de la 2e Assemblée générale de l’’organisation tenue le 7 février 2017 à Tunis.

Dans une déclaration accordée à la TAP, le président de l’ISIE a indiqué que les trois membres du bureau exécutif ainsi que le secrétaire général seront élus durant la 3e session.
