
Il menace de désobéissance civile: Hizb Ettahrir, le parti qui menace l'Etat

Jan 11 2017
Al Huffington Post - Tunisie

Le parti islamiste radical, Hizb Ettahrir, a tenu, le 10 janvier 2017, une conférence de presse pour revenir sur l’actualité nationale et évoquer les oppressions auxquelles il fait face.

Le parti a noté que de nombreux dépassements ont été enregistrés à l’encontre des personnes affiliées au parti. Imed Haddouk, membre du bureau de communication au sein du parti, a fait état d’arrestations abusives et d’affaires fabriquées de toutes pièces qui viseraient les jeunes du parti.

Iran after Rafsanjani

Jan 11 2017
Al Jazeera

Rafsanjani’s death has created power vacuum in Iran’s political centre.

Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is right to be concerned about the loss of one of the leading members of Iran's religious establishment in an election year. "With the loss of Hashemi," he said on Sunday referring to the late Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, "I know no other personality with whom I had such a common and long-term experience in the peaks and valleys of this historic era."

Élections locales: Chafik Sarsar dénonce un blocage "inadmissible" lié aux "intérêts partisans"

Jan 10 2017
Al Huffington Post - Tunisie

Le président de l'Instance électorale (Isie) en Tunisie a dénoncé mardi le blocage "inadmissible" de la "marche vers la démocratie" dans ce pays, fustigeant notamment le retard dans la tenue des premières élections locales de l'après-révolution.

Considérée comme l'unique rescapée du Printemps arabe, "la Tunisie s'est démarquée (...) par sa réussite partielle de la transition et il est inadmissible de tronquer cette marche vers la démocratie", a dit Chafik Sarsar dans un entretien au quotidien La Presse.

Au Maroc, l’épreuve de force se poursuit pour le premier ministre Abdelilah Benkirane

Jan 10 2017
Le Monde

Nouveau rebondissement dans les interminables négociations pour la formation d’un gouvernement au Maroc : dimanche 8 janvier, alors qu’une sortie de l’impasse semblait en vue après trois mois de blocage, le premier ministre Abdelilah Benkirane, chef du Parti de la justice et du

Parliament set to begin charter talks to shift governance system

Jan 09 2017
Hurriyet Daily News

Turkey’s parliament is set to commence two-stage discussions on government-drafted constitutional amendments on Jan. 9 that are set to usher in a major change in the country’s governance system for an executive presidency despite oppositional concerns that it will lead to authoritarian rule.

  While the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) plans to finish the discussions on the 18-article constitutional proposal in the general assembly in six days, the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), which opposes the proposal, is planning to block the talks.

Somaliland holds Upper House elections, elects six MPs in the first phase of the exercise

Jan 08 2017
Hiiraan Online

MOGADISHU - Upper House elections for Somaliland and northern regions commenced today in the Somali capital Mogadishu.

Six seats out of eleven, allocated for Somaliland and the northern regions were filled in a daylong exercise presided over by the Federal Indirect Electoral Implementation Team (FIEIT).

Over 95pc women in 17 constituencies didn’t vote in 2013

Jan 01 2017

ISLAMABAD: Over 95 per cent of registered women voters in at least 17 National Assembly constituencies did not cast their votes in the 2013 general elections.

A document prepared by the Election Commission of Pakistan, available with Dawn, reveals that turnout of women voters was less than one per cent in five of these constituencies. 

According to disaggregated voters’ data, only one woman out of the total 138,910 registered in NA-33 (Upper Dir) had exercised her right to vote.

Somaliland: Political Parties or Clan Parties?

Jan 01 2017
Hiiraan Online

Does Somaliland have political parties or clan parties? Honestly, it doesn’t have political parties. But it has clan parties. Let’s not kid ourselves. Every party is owned by one major clan and other secondary clan(s) that associate with the major clan. We all know which clan owns Kulmiye Party and which clan owns WADDANI Party (Ucid cannot be currently considered a party). Kulmiye is simply a euphemism of Habar Awal and WADDANI is also a euphemism of Habar Yonis.

Mauritanie, pas de referendum constitutionnel à cause de la crise economique

Dec 30 2016

Annoncé en grande pompe par le président lui meme Mohamed Ould Abdel Azziz, le reférendum constitutionnel visant a approuver les modifications de la Constitution figurant dans le dialogue nataional inclusif du 29 septembre au 20 octobre 2016, n'aura pas finalement lieu. Ces changements portent sur la suppression du Sénat, la création des conseils régionaux, la modification des symboles nationaux (hymne et drapeau), etc.

Somalia to Delay Presidential Election for 4th Time, Official Says

Dec 26 2016
VOA News

An electoral official says Somalia has decided to delay its presidential election for a fourth time amid allegations of fraud and intimidation.

The vote had been set for Wednesday, but the official said Monday it likely will be Jan. 24 instead. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

This Horn of Africa nation is riven by clan rivalries and threatened by al-Shabab Islamic extremists opposed to Western-style democracy.

Draft bill on electoral reforms tabled in NA

Dec 21 2016

ISLAMABAD: The government tabled on Tuesday a draft bill on electoral reforms in the National Assembly which gives complete administrative and financial powers to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), increases the election expenses limits for both National Assembly and provincial assemblies’ seats by 150 per cent and makes it mandatory for registration of any political party to have at least 1,000 members.

New government announced under PM Saad al-Hariri

Dec 18 2016
Al Jazeera

New 30-minister cabinet brings together the entire political spectrum except Phalangist party that rejected state post.


Lebanon acquired a new 30-minister government led by Saad al-Hariri, bringing together the entire political spectrum except for the Christian Phalangist party that rejected the portfolio it was offered.

The new cabinet, which was announced on state television on Sunday evening, will keep Gebran Bassil as foreign minister, Ali Hassan Khalil as finance minister and Nouhad Machnouk as interior minister.

Les aounistes se disent « très sérieux quant à la volonté de voter une nouvelle loi électorale »

Dec 14 2016
L´Orient Le Jour

Pour la seconde journée consécutive, le bloc du Changement et de la Réforme a poursuivi hier sa tournée auprès des dirigeants politiques pour tenter d'assurer une sorte de large entente autour de la nouvelle loi électorale.

Une délégation comprenant les députés Ibrahim Kanaan, Ziad Assouad, Ghassan Moukheiber et Nehmetallah Abi Nasr s'est rendue hier à Saïfi et s'est entretenue avec le chef des Kataëb, Samy Gemayel. Étaient présents le ministre démissionnaire de l'Économie, Alain Hakim, ainsi que les députés Élie Marouni, Samer Saadé et Nadim Gemayel.

Baromètre politique décembre 2016: Néji Jalloul et Abdelfattah Mourou au top

Dec 09 2016
Al Huffington Post - Tunisie

L'institut de sondage Sigma Conseil a publié vendredi 09 décembre, le baromètre politique du mois de novembre 2016.

Établi sur 930 Tunisiens âgés de 18 ans et plus, ce sondage a été effectué entre le 02 et le 06 novembre 2016.

Néji Jalloul, ceux en qui les Tunisiens ont le plus confiance

Presidential election could let Iranian pollsters shine

Dec 09 2016
Al monitor

During the lead-up to the 2013 Iranian presidential election, the earliest signs of Hassan Rouhani’s initially unanticipated victory came from a surprising source: high-quality polling conducted by Iranian pollsters. In the run-up to the presidential election in May 2017, all signs point to a greater availability of Iranian polling data than in the past.
